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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Active Transportation and Cycling

Active transportation (AT) is any form of human powered transportation that gets you to and from work, school, shopping, appointments, recreation, visiting friends, etc. Whether using London’s Thames Valley Parkway, designated bicycle routes, or city roads, cycling is an excellent way of fitting physical activity into your daily life!

Remember - bicycles are considered vehicles under Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act and are expected to follow the rules of the road. When sharing the road drivers and cyclists need to be respectful and courteous.


Cycling Safety and the Law

For more information about cycling safety and the law, please visit:


Did you know?

  • Cycling provides a moderately intense workout which can provide the recommended amount of weekly exercise.1
  • It’s faster than you think. It takes 30 minutes or less to cycle 5 km.2
  • Physical activity health benefits gained by cycling far outweigh the health risks posed by the increased exposure to air pollutants.3,4
  • All LTC buses have bike racks that hold two bikes at a time. Learn how to use a LTC bus bike rack.

Want to cycle to work? Try active commuting!

Leave the car behind – get some exercise, help the environment and save money.

Learn how workplaces can support active commuting.

Active commuting is good health, the environment and for business!

Community Design and Cycling

Cycling as a mode of AT is supported by healthy community design which influences transportation choices.

Get Pedaling!

To be sure you are up-to-date, you can brush up on your cycling skills by reviewing the Cycling Skills - Ontario's Guide to Safe Cycling (PDF) and/or take a local CAN-BIKE London course.

Pick up London's Bike Map or check out London's Bike Routes and Walking Trails map and start planning your route! Take advantage of the Thames Valley Parkway that stretches over 40 km and extends into many neighbourhoods and the extensive road network of signed bicycle routes. Make sure you lock your bicycle up at one of many bicycle racks in town.

Tips to Get Started

Plan ahead:

1. Find your Route

2. What to Wear

  • Consider the weather forecast, distance to travel, and decide what clothing to wear.

3. Lighten Up

  • Decide what and what not to carry – change of clothes, food and drink, hygiene products.
  • Determine how you will carry things – bike rack or basket, back pack, bicycle pannier(s), etc.

4. Safe Travels

5. Enjoy your Bike Ride!

  • Pick a route that you will enjoy.
  • If you like company, travel with a bicycle buddy.

Public Health Nurse Bernie McCall shares her experience biking 7km to work. With a bit a planning, you can bike to work too.


LondON Bikes: The City of London Cycling Master Plan

Cycling is changing and growing in the City of London! Check out London’s master plan called LondON Bikes which will guide the development of the city’s cycling network and programs for all ages and abilities to 2031.

Middlesex County Cycling Strategy

Middlesex County is embarking on the development of a long-range cycling strategy to improve cycling for people of all ages and cycling abilities. Stay up to date and involved.

#CycleON - Ontario's Cycling Strategy

#CycleON is Ontario's Cycling Strategy which was launched in 2013. It is a 20-year vision to have cycling recognized as a respected and valued mode of transportation within Ontario. It includes five strategic directions to guide action by the government and partners across Ontario.2

  1. Design Healthy, Active and Prosperous Communities
  2. Improve Cycling Infrastructure
  3. Make Safer Highways and Streets
  4. Promote Cycling awareness and Behavioural Shifts
  5. Increase Cycling Tourism Opportunities


Date of creation: May 15, 2015
Last modified on: May 3, 2022


1Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology. (2021). Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines. Retrieved from
2Ministry of Transportation. (2013). #Cycle On – Ontario’s Cycling Strategy. Toronto, ON: Queens Printer for Ontario. Retrieved from
3Daniel, K. & Perrotta, K. (2017). Prescribing Active Travel for Healthy People and a Healthy Planet: A Toolkit for Health Professionals. Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE). Retrieved from
4Public Health Agency of Canada. (July 20, 2018). The Chief Public Health Officer’s Report on the State of Public Health in Canada, 2017: Designing Healthy Living. Retrieved from