Safe Food Handling
Food safety is a very important issue for Canadians. We can all play a role in making sure that the food we put on our tables is safe to eat.2Food Handler Certification Program
Do you need to get food handler certified? Find out how you can learn the general principles of food safety and get a food handler certificate.DineSafe Middlesex-London
The DineSafe food safety program gives the public quick and easy access to the results of food safety inspections. Look up inspection reports.Starting a Food Business or Food Premises
Learn the steps you need to take to start a food business or food premises in Middlesex-London.Food Safety Complaints
Do you have a concern about a food premises? Learn how to submit a complaint to the Health Unit.
Food Safety
Food safety refers to the steps that we take to keep food safe and prevent foodborne illness, which is also known as food poisoning. The Government of Canada estimates that each year "a total of about 4 million (or 1 in 8) Canadians are affected by a food-borne illness."1 Food can become contaminated by bacteria, viruses and parasites. Taking the right steps when we handle food can keep it safe.
What is Middlesex-London Health Unit’s role?
In Ontario, food safety is one of the mandatory programs under the Ontario Public Health Standards, which health units are required to deliver to the public.
Public Health Inspectors and nurses at the Middlesex-London Health Unit carry out these programs to help prevent and reduce foodborne illness in the community.
Additional Information
For more information on food safety, please continue to browse this website, or speak to a Public Health Inspector on the Environmental Health Team by calling:
- 519-663-5317
Last modified on: January 25, 2024