Active Transportation - Resources
- Active Community Toolkit for Reviewing Development Plans (PDF 2.5MB)
This toolkit is provides criteria for designing active communities and is a useful guide for determining neighbourhood features that support active lifestyles. - Give Active Transportation a GO! Campaign (PDF 1.8MB)
Active transportation is good for health, the environment, and the economy. The 2015 Give Active Transportation a Go! (GAT) campaign was undertaken in five workplaces to promote active commuting. An overview of the project as well as resources and recommendations on promoting active commuting are provided. - Healthy City / Active London (PDF 1MB)
This report contains 19 recommendations submitted by the Middlesex-London Health Unit to The London Plan, the City of London’s Official Plan. Community design that supports active transportation is good for health, the environment and the economy. - Improving Safety of Active School Travel Through Decreasing Traffic Speeds (PDF 338KB)
Active school travel has declined by 50% over the past 20 years. Safety concerns related to speeding traffic is a top concern among parents. This literature review and policy scan identifies the most successful traffic calming measures to reduce traffic speeds around schools. - International Toronto Charter for Physical Activity (TCPA) Toolkit (PDF 4.2MB)
This toolkit provides tips, action items, and resources for putting the international Toronto Charter for Physical Activity into action. Specific ideas are provided on how to increase physical activity including the use of active transportation in six different settings. - Linking Health and the Built Environment in Rural Settings: Evidence and Recommendations for Planning Healthy Communities in Middlesex County (PDF 8.6MB)
This resource provides policy and supportive environment recommendations specific to five areas; active living, road safety, food systems and healthy eating, and social capital and mental well-being. - Share the Road Signage Pilot Project - Evaluation Report (PDF 1.1MB)
Cycling is an excellent form of exercise and used for both recreational and active transportation. Local and provincial statistics indicate there is a need to address safety issues related to cycling. The 2014 Share the Road Signage Project report provides an overview of the planning, implementation, results and recommendations involved in making cycling safer in London and Middlesex County.
Date of creation: June 18, 2015
Last modified on: April 13, 2018
Last modified on: April 13, 2018