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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Road Safety

Road safety is the responsibility of all road users: drivers, pedestrians and cyclists. Be respectful. Be courteous.

Pedestrian Crossover

All road users - drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists have a responsibility to know their role when approaching a pedestrian crossover.

Learn more

  • Image of a hand holding a cell phoneDistracted Driving
    Buckle up and keep your phone down! A moment of distraction is all it takes to change a life.
  • Share the Road LogoShare the Road
    Be respectful. Be courteous. Look out for cyclists on the road, slow down and only pass when it’s safe to pass.

Did you know?

  • Motor-vehicle collisions are the second leading cause of unintentional injury-related hospitalizations and deaths among both males and females within Middlesex-London.1
  • Most unintentional injuries are preventable and predictable.


  • Wear your seatbelt.
  • Share the road.
  • Drive according to the weather conditions.


  • Make eye contact with the driver before walking your bike across an intersection.
  • Children under the age of 14 can bike on sidewalks in the City of London.
  • Share the road.


  • Follow the safety rules and wear reflective clothing to be seen day and night.
  • Be Safe and Be Seen when you're out and about walking, biking, jogging, boarding, blading, etc.
Date of creation: February 28, 2013
Last modified on: October 21, 2024


1Middlesex-London Health Unit (MLHU). (2012c). Middlesex-London Community Health Status Resource: Figure 5.4: hospitalizations and death for leading causes of unintentional injury. Retrieved from
2Middlesex-London Health Unit. (2014). The Health Index Cell Phone Use While Driving. London, Ontario: Author.