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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Lapse Investigations

An IPAC lapse occurs when there is deviation from IPAC best practices resulting in possible disease transmission to patients, clients or staff through exposure to blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions, mucous membranes, non-intact skin or soiled items.

The Middlesex-London Health Unit is responsible for investigating potential lapses and these investigations may be initiated by complaints, referrals, or infectious disease investigations.

To file a IPAC lapse complaint about a regulated health care professional or health care setting, please call 519-663-5317 or email

IPAC Lapse Disclosure Reports:

Highbury Medical Clinic IPAC Lapse Investigation Status Update: Please note that the Highbury Medical Clinic IPAC lapse investigation is still ongoing. The Infectious Disease Control Team (IDC) is in the process of determining which patients need to be notified of a potential blood or body fluid exposure and to be assessed by their healthcare provider. Once the affected patients are identified, the IDC team will be contacting these individuals directly to notify them and provide recommendations.

The disclosure reports are not exhaustive, and do not guarantee that those premises listed and not listed are free of infection prevention and control lapses. Identification of lapses is based on assessment and investigation of a premises at a point-of-time, and these assessments and investigations are triggered when potential infection prevention and control lapses are brought to the attention of the local medical officer of health.

Date of creation: March 21, 2016
Last modified on: July 11, 2024