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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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November 1, 2018 - Finance & Facilities Committee - Meeting Minutes 

Committee Members Present:

Ms. Trish Fulton (Chair)
Mr. Jesse Helmer
Ms. Tino Kasi 
Mr. Marcel Meyer
Ms. Joanne Vanderheyden 


Dr. Christopher Mackie, Secretary-Treasurer

Others Present:

Mr. Michael Clarke, Board of Health
Ms. Maureen Cassidy, Board of Health 
Ms. Laura Di Cesare, Director, Healthy Organization
Ms. Lynn Guy, Executive Assistant (Recorder)
Dr. Alexander Summers, Associate Medical Officer of Health
Mr. Brian Glasspoole, Manager, Finance
Mr. Joe Belancic, Manager, Procurement and Operations
Mr. Stephen Turner, Director, Environmental Health and Infectious Diseases
Ms. Maureen Rowlands, Director, Healthy Living
Ms. Heather Lokko, Director, Healthy Start 
Ms. Brooke Clark, PHN

Chair Fulton called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m.

Disclosure of Conflict(s) of Interest

Chair Fulton inquired if there were any disclosures of conflicts of interest. None were declared.

Approval of Agenda

Chair Fulton noted that item 4.7 would be moved to earlier on the agenda, immediately following 4.1, to accommodate staff schedules. She also advised that at approximately 9:20 a.m., the Committee would take a short recess to allow attendees to attend the Middlesex-London Health Unit and Regional HIV/AIDS Connection announcement at 9:30 a.m. in the Middlesex County Building.

It was moved by Ms. Vanderheyden, seconded by Mr. Meyer, that the amended AGENDA for the November 1, 2018 Finance & Facilities Committee meeting be approved. Carried

Approval of Minutes

It was moved by Ms. Vanderheyden, seconded by Ms. Kasi, that the MINUTES of the September 6, 2018 Finance & Facilities Committee meeting be approved. Carried

New Business

4.1 Q3 Financial Update and Factual Certificate (Report No. 038-18FFC)
Mr. Glasspoole introduced the report and provided additional context when necessary.
Discussion ensued on the following items:
• Limited revenue expected this year from oral health adult treatment.
• The technology budget, relating to a report reviewed by the FFC at its May 3 meeting.

It was moved by Ms. Kasi, seconded by Mr. Helmer, that the Finance & Facilities Committee recommend that the Board of Health receive Report No. 038-18FFC re: “Q3 Financial Update and Factual Certificate” for information. Carried

It was moved by Ms. Kasi, seconded by Ms. Vanderheyden, that the Finance & Facilities Committee approve the allocation of surplus to mitigate costs related to Relocation Project expenses and the Electronic Client Records project. Carried

4.2 Cyber Insurance (Report No. 039-18FFC)
Discussion ensued on the following items:
• Why the province isn’t paying for all health units to be covered, and whether alPHa should be involved.
• Details on how the other two quotes compared to the one from Holman Insurance Brokers Ltd.

It was moved by Mr. Helmer, seconded by Ms. Vanderheyden, that the Finance & Facilities Committee receive Report No. 039-18FFC re: “Cyber Insurance” for information. Carried  

4.3 Location Project – Source of Financing (Report No. 040-18FFC)
Mr. Glasspoole noted that this was a fairly extensive process and highlighted some key points of the report. Ms. Di Cesare advised that the Province has been in contact and there is a meeting booked for next week.

Discussion ensued on the following items:
• Debt financing in general
• Clarification of the relationship between the Relocation Advisory Committee and the Finance & Facilities Committee.

It was moved by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Mr. Helmer, that the Finance & Facilities Committee:
1) Receive Report No. 040-18FFC re: “Location Project – Source of Financing” for information; and
2) Recommend that the Board of Health approve the selection of the City of London as the lender for office fit-up.

4.4 Enterprise Resource Planning – Financial System Update (Report No. 041-18FFC)
There was discussion about why the first round of requests for proposal (RFP) in 2017 yielded no bids. Mr. Belancic advised that it may have been the RFP’s wording and/or the multiple requirements stipulated therein.

It was moved by Mr. Helmer, seconded by Mr. Meyer, that the Finance & Facilities Committee receive Report No. 041-18FFC re: “Enterprise Resource Planning – Financial System Update” for information. Carried

4.5 Mobile Device Services Contract Extension (Report No. 042-18FFC)

There was a brief discussion about why this report is being called an “extension” when it appears to be a new contract. Mr. Belancic and Ms. Di Cesare provided additional context and noted that there will be cost savings, over the contract’s two years, of approximately $31,000.

It was moved by Mr. Helmer, seconded by Mr. Meyer, that the Finance & Facilities Committee receive Report No. 042-18FFC re: “Mobile Device Services Contract Extension” for information. Carried

4.6 Middlesex-London Health Unit Be Well Program Update (Report No. 043-18FFC)

It was moved by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Mr. Helmer, that the Finance & Facilities Committee receive Report No. 043-18FFC re: “Middlesex-London Health Unit Be Well Program Update” for information. Carried

4.7 Proposed Resource Reallocation for the 2019 Budget (Report No. 044-18FFC)

Chair Fulton opened the floor to discussion, beginning with the subject of disinvestments.

Discussion ensued on the following disinvestment proposals:
• 1-001 reduction of staff for the Sexual Health Clinic. Mr. Turner assured the Committee that there should be no disruption to client services with the closure of the drop-in clinic. There will be a change in clinic hours, which will be communicated to clients.
• 1-004 Public Health Inspection Work. Mr. Turner noted that efficiencies have been found in the recommendations of the recent PHI review.
• Scoring was discussed briefly, including how the scores have changed since PBMA was introduced.

At 9:20 a.m., Chair Fulton asked for a motion to recess for the purpose of attending the MLHU/RHAC announcement. It was so moved by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Mr. Helmer.

At 9:57 a.m., Chair Fulton welcomed everyone back and asked for a motion to resume the meeting. It was so moved by Ms. Vanderheyden, seconded by Mr. Meyer. At this time, Ms. Cassidy joined the meeting and Chair Fulton provided her with an update on what had been covered on the agenda so far. Ms. Kasi did not return when the meeting reconvened.

Discussion ensued on the Electronic Client Records Investment Proposal. Mr. Turner noted that there is potential for bringing together public health, primary care, and acute care to allow for exchange of information across the healthcare system, but there are some logistical hurdles. The ECR that is noted here has the potential to allow health units to share data with each other. Mr. Clarke advised that Health Innovation funds are available, and that he will send the contact details to Mr. Turner for further exploration.

Discussion ensued on the following one-time investment proposals:
• 1-0024 Procurement Coordinator. Ms. Di Cesare provided additional details, noting that this position could be funded through savings and efficiencies in procurement process results, and that as such the recruitment process has begun.

• 1-0028 Vision Screening Coordinator. Ms. Rowlands advised that partnerships have been looked at and the Ivey Institute has offered free training. The Ministry has offered one-time funding for the purchase of equipment.

• 1-0035 Contract Epidemiologist. Dr. Summers noted that this extension is for the purpose of completing the Community Health Status Report. He mentioned that at this time he is not sure if a further extension will be required.

It was moved by Mr. Helmer, seconded by Ms. Kasi, that the Finance & Facilities Committee approve Appendix A, PBMA Disinvestments totalling $390,727. Carried

It was moved by Mr. Helmer, seconded by Mr. Meyer, that the Finance & Facilities Committee approve Appendix B, PBMA Investments totalling $397,526. Carried

It was moved by Ms. Vanderheyden, seconded by Mr. Helmer, that the Finance & Facilities Committee approve Appendix C, PBMA One-Time Proposals totalling $140,784. Carried

It was moved by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Mr. Helmer, that the Finance & Facilities Committee approve Appendix D, outlining proposals not currently recommended for inclusion totalling $631,732. Carried

4.8 Great-West Life Benefits Renewal Update (Report No. 045-18FFC)

It was moved by Mr. Helmer, seconded by Mr. Meyer, that the Finance & Facilities Committee review and recommend that the Board of Health extend the current renewal period of the group insurance rates administered by Great-West Life as described in Report No. 045-18FFC re: “Great-West Life Benefits – Renewal Update.” Carried

4.9 Enterprise Resource Planning – Human Capital Management Update (Report No. 046-18FFC)

Chair Fulton asked for Committee members to consider their questions vis a vis the potential need to go in camera.

Mr. Belancic advised that four bids have been received, which will be reviewed as soon as possible. In response to a question, Mr. Belancic noted that the contract would be for a minimum of five years and a maximum of ten, with an opt-out clause.

At 10:41 a.m., it was moved by Mr. Helmer, seconded by Mr. Meyer, that the Finance & Facilities move in-camera to discuss matters regarding identifiable individuals.

At 10:50 a.m., it was moved by Mr. Helmer, seconded by Mr. Meyer, that the Finance & Facilities return to public session.

It was moved by Mr. Helmer, seconded by Mr. Meyer, that the Finance & Facilities Committee:
1. Receive Report No. 046-18FFC re: “Enterprise Resource Planning – Update” for information;
2. Recommend that the Board of Health approve the outsourcing of payroll services; and
3. Recommend that the Board of Health approve the implementation of a comprehensive Human Resource Capital Management System within the financial parameters identified herein.

Other Business

Next meeting: December 6, 2018.


At 10:53 a.m., it was moved by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Mr. Helmer, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried

At 10:53 a.m., Chair Fulton adjourned the meeting.



Director, Healthy Organization

Date of creation: November 5, 2018
Last modified on: February 22, 2023