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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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March 2, 2017 - Finance & Facilities Committee Meeting

Draft Minutes

Committee Members Present:

Mr. Jesse Helmer
Mr. Marcel Meyer
Mr. Ian Peer
Ms. Joanne Vanderheyden

Regrets: Ms. Trish Fulton (Chair)

Others Present:

Ms. Lynn Guy, Executive Assistant to the Medical Officer of Health & CEO (Recorder)
Ms. Laura Di Cesare, Secretary-Treasurer
Mr. Jordan Banninga, Manager, Strategic Projects
Dr. Gayane Hovhannisyan, Acting Medical Officer of Health
Mr. John Millson, Associate Director, Finance
Ms. Suzanne Vandervoort, Director, Healthy Living
Mr. Chimere Okoronkwo, Manager, Dental Services

At 9:04 a.m., Chair Vanderheyden called the meeting to order.

Disclosure of Conflict(s) of Interest

Chair Vanderheyden inquired if there were any conflicts of interest. None were declared.

Chair Vanderheyden noted that neither she or Marcel Meyer were involved in any of County meetings regarding the MLHU Relocation Project.

Approval of Agenda

It was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Mr. Meyer, that the AGENDA for the March 2, 2017 Finance & Facilities Committee meeting be approved. Carried

Approval of Minutes

It was moved by Ms. Vanderheyden, seconded by Mr. Meyer, that the MINUTES of the February 2, 2017 Finance & Facilities Committee meeting be approved. Carried

New Business

4.1 Financial Controls Checklist (Report No. 009-17FFC)

John Millson provided an overview of the report.

Board members noted that this report was well written and highlights the Health Unit’s efforts to ensure that good financial controls are in place and that they comply with Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care regulations.

It was moved by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Mr. Helmer, that the Finance & Facilities Committee receive Report No. 009-17FFC re: Financial Controls Checklist for information. Carried

4.2 Impact of Consent Process on Dental Screening Outcomes (Report No. 010-17FFC)

Mr. Okoronkwo attended the meeting to discuss the impact of consent process on dental screening outcomes. He noted that there are two processes used among the four school boards in the Middlesex-London area. Those being, passive consent and active consent. Currently the Thames Valley District School Board uses a process of active consent for its dental screening. This means that children are not screened by Health Unit staff unless the parents have directly communicated their consent to the school to have their children screened. The evidence shows that this has led to a higher rate of “Child in need of Urgent Care” cases.

Ms. Vandervoort noted that the TVDSB sought legal advice in 2007 to move away from passive consent to active consent. This was done in regards to privacy issues. The Health Unit followed up with legal advice from Lerner’s Law Firm. Ms. Di Cesare added that privacy legislation has changed since 2007 therefore the Health Unit will revisit the issue.

Next steps will include bringing this FFC report as well as the report written in 2007 to the next
FFC meeting for further review and input.

It was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Mr. Helmer, that the Finance & Facilities Committee;

1) receive Report No. 010-17FFC comparing screening practices between school boards within the jurisdiction of the Health Unit and Ontario for information; and
2) Direct staff to bring this report and the report from 2007 forward to the next FFC meeting for review and input.

Other Business

Next meeting: Thursday, April 6, 2017 @ 9:00 a.m.

Ms. Di Cesare noted that depending on what reports need to go to FFC, there may not be a need for an April meeting.

Mr. Peer discussed his attendance, on behalf of the Board of Health, at the cross country tour to discuss the legalization and regulation of cannabis. Parliamentary Secretary, Bill Blair is leading these engagement sessions. Board Members discussed potential costs for the Health Unit should this initiative not be funded, concerns regarding enforcing the regulations and the unknown factors.


At 9:33 a.m., it was moved by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Mr. Helmer, that the Finance & Facilities Committee move in-camera to discuss matters regarding identifiable individuals and a proposed or pending acquisition of land by the Middlesex-London Board of Health. Carried

At 10:15 a.m., it was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Mr. Meyer, that the Finance & Facilities Committee return to public session. Carried


It was moved by Mr. Helmer, seconded by Mr. Peer, that the Finance & Facilities Committee adjourn the meeting. Carried

At 10:25 a.m., Chair Vanderheyden adjourned the meeting.

Joanne Vanderheyden
Vice-Chair, Board of Health

Laura Di Cesare

Date of creation: March 8, 2017
Last modified on: March 8, 2017