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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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January 17, 2013 - Minutes

Members Present

Mr. Marcel Meyer (Chair)
Mr. David Bolton
Ms. Denise Brown (Vice Chair)
Mr. Al Edmondson
Ms. Trish Fulton
Mr. Ian Peer
Ms. Viola Poletes Montgomery
Ms. Nancy Poole
Mr. Mark Studenny
Ms. Sandy White


Mr. Stephen Orser

Others Present

Mr. Wally Adams, Director, Environmental Health and Chronic Disease Prevention Services
Ms. Mary Lou Albanese, Manager, Healthy Communities 
Ms. Diane Bewick, Director, Family Health Services
Mr. Maurice Chang, Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Mr. Ross Graham, Manager, Special Projects
Mr. Dan Flaherty, Manager, Communications
Mr. Scott Gilfillan, Senior Manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Ms. Emily Hill, Public Health Nurse
Ms. Sarah Maaten, Epidemiologist, Environmental Health
Ms. Bernadette McCall, Public Health Nurse
Mr. John Millson, Director, Finance and Operations
Dr. Chimere Okoronkwo, Manager, Oral Health
Ms. Sherri Sanders, Executive Assistant to the Board of Health (Recorder)
Ms. Gayle Riedl, Manager, Human Resources and Volunteer Services
Mr. Chirag Shah, Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Mr. Rick Shantz, Director, Information Technology 
Ms. Pat Simone, Manager, Emergency Preparedness
Ms. Louise Tyler, Director, Human Resources and Labour Relations Services
Mr. Alex Tyml, Online Communications Coordinator
Dr. Bryna Warshawsky, Acting Medical Officer of Health & CEO and Director, Oral Health, Communicable Disease & Sexual Health Services

Media Outlets

Mr. Craig Gilbert – London Community News
Mr. Rob Lynch – 106.9 XFM News

Dr. Bryna Warshawsky, Acting Medical Officer of Health & CEO, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and welcomed Board members and attendees to the 2013 inaugural meeting of the Board of Health.

Dr. Warshawsky welcomed and introduced Ms. Trish Fulton, the new provincial appointee to the Board of Health. Dr. Warshawsky announced that the Board is now at its full complement with three City of London Appointees, three County of Middlesex Appointees and five Provincial Appointees.

1)  Report No. 001-13 re “Election of 2013 Board of Health Executive and Other Procedures for the First Meeting of the Year”

Dr. Warshawsky opened the floor for nominations for the position of Chair of the Board of Health for 2013.

It was moved by Ms. Poletes Montgomery, seconded by Mr. Edmondson that Mr. Marcel Meyer be elected Chair of the Middlesex-London Board of Health for the year 2013.

Mr. Meyer agreed to stand for election.

Dr. Warshawsky invited further nominations three times. Hearing no further nominations or objections, nominations were closed. Carried

Upon Ms. Sandy White’s arrival, Dr. Warshawsky introduced and welcomed Ms. White to the Board of Health as the new City of London Appointee.

Mr. Marcel Meyer assumed the Chair and thanked outgoing Chair, Ms. Poletes Montgomery, for her leadership and dedication to the Board of Health over 2012. He opened the floor for nominations for the position of Vice-Chair of the Board of Health for 2013.

It was moved by Mr. Bolton, seconded by Ms. White that Ms. Denise Brown be elected Vice-Chair of the Middlesex-London Board of Health for the year 2013.

Ms. Brown agreed to stand for election.

Chair Meyer invited further nominations three times. Hearing no further nominations or objections, nominations were closed.  Carried

Chair Meyer opened the floor for nominations for the position of Secretary-Treasurer of the Board of Health for 2013.

It was moved by Mr. Edmondson, seconded by Ms. Brown that Dr. Bryna Warshawsky be elected Secretary-Treasurer of the Middlesex-London Board of Health until a permanent Medical Officer of Health & Chief Executive Officer is hired.

Dr. Warshawsky agreed to stand for election.

Chair Meyer invited further nominations three times. Hearing no further nominations or objections, nominations were closed. Carried

Establishment of Standing Committees

Chair Meyer reminded Board members that in accordance with Policy 2-010, every year at the inaugural meeting, Board members are to determine whether or not they wish to establish Standing Committees.

Dr. Warshawsky explained that in the past, the Board has dealt with issues as a whole Board. She reported that information presented in Report No. 006-13, this agenda, indicated that the Board of Health may require additional financial information which could be provided through a Finance Committee of the Board. Dr. Warshawsky suggested that staff could develop draft Terms of Reference for a Finance Committee including its responsibility, accountability, how often and when it would meet, its composition, etc.

In response to a question about the 2013 budget process, Mr. John Millson, Director of Finance & Operations, explained that the Committee’s responsibility could include budget, procurement and property matters.

It was moved by Ms. Poole, seconded by Ms. White

  1. That the Board of Health establish, in principle, a standing committee on property and finance; and further,
  2. That staff be directed to develop draft Terms of Reference for the committee for discussion at a future Board of Health meeting.


2013 Board of Health Meeting Schedule

Following a brief discussion, it was agreed that the Board will meet on the third Thursday of each month with the following exceptions:

  1. The February meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 19, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.
  2. The Board will recess for the summer months of July and August, unless a special meeting is scheduled at the call of the Chair.
  3. The December Board meeting will be the second Thursday of the month (December 12, 2013) due to year-end holidays.

It was moved by Mr. Bolton, seconded by Mr. Studenny that the 2013 Board of Health meeting schedule be set as listed in Appendix B to Report No. 001-13 noting that the February meeting will be held on February 19, 2013. Carried

Continuing Education

It was moved by Ms. Poletes Montgomery, seconded by Mr. Edmondson that the discussion on suggested topics for Board of Health education sessions be deferred to a future meeting once a permanent Medical Officer of Health has been selected.  Carried 

Disclosures of Conflict(s) of Interest

Chair Meyer inquired if there were any disclosures of conflict of interest to be declared. None were declared.

Approval of Agenda

It was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Ms. Poletes Montgomery that the Agenda for the January 17, 2013, Board of Health meeting be approved with addition of an in camera session to consider matters related to labour relations or employee negotiations.  Carried

Approval of Minutes

It was moved by Mr. Bolton, seconded by Mr. Studenny that the Minutes of the December 13, 2012, Board of Health meeting be approved.


2)  Report No. 002-13 re “Shared Services Review - Proposal”

Mr. John Millson, Director, Finance and Operations, introduced Mr. Scott Gilfillan, Senior Manager; Mr. Chirag Shah, Partner; and Mr. Maurice Chang, Director; all of PricewaterhouseCoopers, to assist Board members with their understanding of this report. The representatives from PricewaterhouseCoopers reviewed the proposal attached as Appendix A to Report No. 002-13

The representatives clarified that in some projects in which PricewaterhouseCoopers was involved, for example the Central West Local Health Integration Network (LHIN), other operating models were found to be more efficient than shared services.

Mr. Millson reported that he will be presenting a draft Health Unit policy re the establishment of reserves for discussion at a future Board of Health meeting.

In response to a question about funding the Shared Services Review, Mr. Millson reminded Board members that it had been discussed and agreed upon by the City, County and Health Unit during the creation of the Terms of Reference that the Health Unit would cover the cost of the review. It is being proposed that surplus municipal funds from the 2012 budget be used to fund the project.

Board members were reminded that any reports prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers will be given to the Board of Health for review first. Once reviewed by the Board of Health, the report can then go City Council and County Council. Phase I and II consist of gathering and integrating the information required to make preliminary recommendations and provide the Board of Health with an interim report.  The interim report will identify any potential efficiencies or cost savings in existing administrative functions, and will also identify which functions the Board may want to consider investigating further for potential sharing with the City of London and/or Middlesex County.  Phase III of the review will involve a more in-depth analysis of the areas the Board decides should be explored further.

It was moved by Ms. Brown, seconded by Mr. Bolton

  1. That The Board of Health approve PricewaterhouseCoopers’s proposal for the Shared Services Review project as outlined in Appendix A; and further
  2. Any 2012 municipal surpluses from the cost-shared programs, to a maximum of $135,000, be retained to fund the review.

7 For

3 Against


3)   Report No. 003-13 re “Board of Health Code of Conduct: Second Draft”

Dr. Warshawsky introduced Mr. Ross Graham, Manager, Special Projects, to assist Board members with their understanding of this report. Mr. Graham reviewed the second draft of the Code of Conduct and requested feedback from Board members.

In response to a question about how the Role Description of a Board member, included in the Board member orientation binder, fits into the Code of Conduct, Mr. Graham agreed that both documents should be consistent. Therefore, Mr. Graham proposed that he would review the Role Description and incorporate its content into the third draft of the Code of Conduct.

A discussion was held about Section 11 – Compliance as it appears in the second draft. It was agreed that Board members’ questions about the Compliance Section need to be addressed by the Health Unit Solicitor, Mr. David Woodward. Mr. Graham will incorporate Mr. Woodward’s comments into the third draft of the Code of Conduct.

It was moved by Ms. Brown, seconded by Mr. Peer that Report No. 003-13 re “Board of Health Code of Conduct: Second Draft” be reviewed by the Board of Health and feedback be incorporated into a third Draft that will provided to Board members at a future Board meeting. Carried

4)  Report No. 008-13 re “Annual Performance Report on the Strategic Directions”

Mr. Ross Graham assisted Board members with their understanding of this report using a PowerPoint presentation. A copy of the presentation is filed with the minutes.

It was moved by Mr. Studenny, seconded by Mr. Bolton that Report No. 008-13 re “Annual Performance Report on the Strategic Directions” be received for information. Carried

At 9:05 p.m., it was moved by Ms. White, seconded by Mr. Peer that the Board of Health take a five minute recess. Carried

Chair Meyer reconvened the meeting at 9:10 p.m. 

5)  Report No. 004-13 re “Ontario Ministry of Transportation’s Draft Cycling Strategy”

Mr. Wally Adams, Director, Environmental Health and Chronic Disease Prevention Services, introduced Ms. Mary Lou Albanese, Manager, Healthy Communities, and Ms. Bernie McCall, Public Health Nurse, to answer questions pertaining to this report.

Ms. Albanese advised Board members that the draft strategy recommends compulsory bike helmets use for all ages. The Health Unit recommendations pertaining to the draft include implementation of a provincial strategy to educate children in the schools about cycling safety.

It was moved by Ms. Brown, seconded by Mr. Edmondson that the Board of Health submit a written communication to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation to convey the following:

a) Board of Health endorsement for developing a provincial Cycling Strategy (Appendix A);
b) Middlesex-London Health Unit comments/recommendations pertaining to the draft Cycling Strategy (Appendix B); and
c) Board of Health support for the City of London comments/recommendations pertaining to the draft Cycling Strategy.


6)  Report No. 005-13 “Changes to The Staff Complement for the Oral Health Team”

Dr. Warshawsky introduced Dr. Chimere Okoronkwo, Manager, Oral Health Team, to answer any questions about this report. Dr. Okoronkwo explained that Board of Health approval is being sought for up to the outlined changes in the staff complement but that not all the changes may be implemented depending on need. It was discussed that the extent of the changes implemented would be reported to the Board of Health in the future.

It was moved by Mr. Bolton, seconded by Ms. Poletes Montgomery that the Board of Health approve the following changes to the staff complement of the Oral Health Team:

  1. The “Program Assistant” position be renamed “Dental Claims Analyst”;
  2. Two “Dental Claims Assistant” positions be created (doing part Dental Assistant work and part dental claims work);
  3. The complement be decreased by 0.6 Dental Hygienists and 1.4 Dental Assistants.




7)   Report No. 006-13 re “November 2012 Board of Health Self-Assessment Survey Results”

Dr. Warshawsky introduced Ms. Sarah Maaten, Epidemiologist, to assist Board members with their understanding of this report. Ms. Maaten explained that six out of nine potential respondents participated in the survey and only four respondents made comments; therefore, the results may not be representative of the whole Board.

In response to a question as to whether or not the survey should be completed again in January 2013, Ms. Maaten replied that the survey is scheduled to be conducted in April 2013. Ms. Maaten explained that waiting for April gives time for changes to occur.

It was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Ms. White that the Board receive a presentation at a future meeting re the Board of Health’s mandate, scope and authority. Carried 

It was moved by Mr. Edmondson, seconded by Ms. Poletes Montgomery that Report No. 006-13 re “November 2012 Board of Health Self-Assessment Survey Results” be received for information. Carried

8)   Report No. 007-13 re “Overview of Health Unit Administrative Functions”

Dr. Warshawsky explained that the purpose of this report is to assist Board members in understanding the general areas covered by Shared Services Review. She stated that reports with more detailed information will be presented at future Board of Health meetings concerning the areas of Information Technology, Finance & Operations, Human Resources and Office of the Medical Officer of Health.

It was moved by Mr. Bolton, seconded by Mr. Peer that Report No. 007-13 re “Overview of Health Unit Administrative Functions” be received for information. Carried

9  Report No. 011-13  re “ONA Pay Equity Maintenance”

Dr. Warshawsky introduced Ms. Louise Tyler, Director, Human Resources and Labour Relations, to assist Board members with their understanding of this report.

In response to a question about whether or not the Health Unit could partner with other health units in pay equity efforts, Ms. Tyler explained that pay equity compares jobs within the same organization. The Health Unit could use a job evaluation tool that was used at another health unit; however, the Union must agree with the tool used. Ms. Tyler ensured the Board that Health Unit staff would compile as much information as possible to reduce the amount of work that would be required for a Consultant. Dr. Warshawsky advised the Board that because of the large number of members in ONA, any retroactive adjustment in pay equity could result in a large unfunded liability. A reserve fund would be a mechanism to plan for this unfunded liability.

It was moved by Ms. White, seconded by Ms. Fulton that Report No. 011-13 re “ONA Pay Equity Maintenance” be received for information. Carried

10Report No. 009-13 re “Middlesex-London Health Unit Maintains Highest Standard of Accreditation”

It was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Ms. White that Report No. 009-13 re “Middlesex-London Health Unit Maintains Highest Standard of Accreditation” be received for information. Carried

11Report No. 010-13 re “Media Summary Report – January 2012 – December 2012”

 It was moved by Mr. Bolton, seconded by Mr. Edmondson that Report No. 010-13 re “Media Summary Report – January 2012 – December 2012” be received for information. Carried

12) Report No. 012-13 re “Significant Influenza Activity To-date in the 2012-2013 Season”

It was moved by Mr. Studenny, seconded by Ms. White that Report No. 012-13 re “Significant Influenza Activity To-date in the 2012-2013 Season” be received for information. Carried

13Report No. 013-13 re “Acting Medical Officer of Health Activity Report – December 6, 2012 – January 9, 2013”

Dr. Warshawsky reported that she, Ms. Poletes Montgomery, Mr. Meyer and Mr. Flaherty met with the Editors of the London Free Press to address issues related to the Health Unit’s relationship with this media outlet. The meeting was felt to be productive.

It was moved by Mr. Bolton, seconded by Ms. Poletes Montgomery that Report No. 012-13 re “Acting Medical Officer of Health Activity Report – December 6, 2012 – January 9, 2013” be received for information. Carried

It was moved by Mr. Bolton, seconded by Ms. Poletes Montgomery that a contract be signed by the Chair on behalf of the Board for on call coverage for the Sarnia-Lambton Community Services Department from February 6 to 26, 2013, while Sarnia-Lambton’s Medical Officer of Health is away. Carried


There were no questions re correspondence.

In Camera

At 9:52 p.m., it was moved by Mr. Bolton, seconded by Mr. Edmondson that the Board of Health move in camera to consider matters concerning labour relations or employee negotiations.  Carried

At 10:04 p.m., it was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Ms. Poletes Montgomery that the Board of Health rise and report progress was made on matters concerning labour relations or employee negotiations. Carried

Other Business

Next scheduled Board of Health Meeting – Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 6:00 p.m.


At 10:05 p.m., it was moved by Mr. Poletes Montgomery, seconded by Ms. Brown that the meeting be adjourned.  Carried

Marcel Meyer

Bryna Warshawsky

Date of creation: January 17, 2013
Last modified on: February 13, 2013