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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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December 8, 2016 - Board of Health Meeting Minutes

Members Present:

Ms. Maureen Cassidy
Ms. Patricia Fulton
Mr. Jesse Helmer (Chair)
Mr. Trevor Hunter
Ms. Tino Kasi
Mr. Marcel Meyer
Mr. Ian Peer
Mr. Kurtis Smith
Ms. Joanne Vanderheyden (Vice-Chair)

Media: Mr. Patrick Malinowski, XFM News, Fanshawe College

Others Present:

Dr. Christopher Mackie, Medical Officer of Health & CEO
Ms. Elizabeth Milne, Executive Assistant to the Board of Health & Communications (Recorder)
Mr. Jordan Banninga, Manager, Strategic Projects
Ms. Laura Di Cesare, Director, Corporate Services
Mr. Dan Flaherty, Manager, Communications
Ms. Donna Kosmack, Southwest Tobacco Control Area Network Manager
Ms. Heather Lokko, Manager, Healthy Start
Mr. John Millson, Associate Director, Finance
Ms. Linda Stobo, Manager, Chronic Disease Prevention and Tobacco Control
Mr. Alex Tyml, Online Communications Coordinator
Ms. Suzanne Vandervoort, Director, Healthy Living

Chair Helmer called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.

Disclosures of Conflict(s) Of Interest

Chair Helmer inquired if there were any disclosures of pecuniary interest. None were declared.

Chair Helmer welcomed Ms. Tino Kasi to her first meeting of the Middlesex-London Board of Health.

Approval of Agenda

Chair Helmer advised that By-laws would be brought forward this evening, to be read following the regularly scheduled agenda items.

It was moved by Ms. Vanderheyden seconded by Ms. Cassidy that the AGENDA for the December 8, 2016 Board of Health meeting be approved. Carried

Approval of Minutes

It was moved by Ms. Cassidy, seconded by Ms. Vanderheyden that the MINUTES for the November 17, 2016 Board of Health meeting be approved. Carried

Committee Reports

1) Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting December 1, 2016 (Report No. 069-16)

Chair Helmer reviewed and provided context to the reports reviewed at the Finance and Facilities Committee meeting on December 1.

By-law and Policy Review (Report No. 045-16FFC)

It was moved by Mr. Helmer, seconded by Ms. Cassidy that the Board of Health receive Report No. 045-16FFC for information and as recommended by the Finance and Facilities Committee. Carried

2017 Budget – PBMA Proposals (Report No. 046-16FFC)

It was moved by Mr. Helmer, seconded by Mr. Peer, that the Board of Health
1) Approve Appendix A, PBMA Recommended Disinvestments totaling $474,112;
2) Approve Appendix B, PBMA Recommended Investments totaling $479,655; and
3) Receive Appendix C, Other Proposals, as recommended by the Finance and Facilities Committee.

Renewal of FoodNet Canada Memorandum of Agreement (Report No. 047-16FFC)

It was moved by Mr. Helmer, seconded by Mr. Hunter that the Board of Health approve the Board Chair to sign the FoodNet Canada Memorandum of Agreement (2017-2020), appended to Report No. 047-16FFC, as recommended by the Finance and Facilities Committee. Carried

It was moved by Ms. Vanderheyden seconded by Ms. Cassidy that the Board of Health receive the December 1, 2016 Finance and Facilities Committee draft minutes, as amended. Carried

2) Governance Committee – December 8, 2016 (Verbal Update)

Board of Health Governance By-Law and Policy Review
Appendix A

Mr. Hunter provided a summary of the December 8, 2016 meeting and advised that the Governance Committee reviewed the draft Policies and By-laws #1, #2, #3, and #4 which are ready for consideration and reading by the Board of Health.

Mr. Hunter introduced the reading of By-laws #1, #2, #3, and #4 for the Board of Health, which will be read following the regularly scheduled agenda items.

It was moved by Mr. Helmer, seconded by Mr. Hunter that the Board of Health receive the December 8, 2016 Governance Committee meeting minutes. Carried

It was moved by Mr. Hunter, seconded by Ms. Vanderheyden that the Board of Health approve updated policies G-000, G-200, G-220, G-010, G-020, G-030, G-050, G-160 and G-230. Carried

Mr. Hunter advised that the next Governance Committee meeting was scheduled for January 19, 2017.

Recommendation Reports

3) Canadian Nurse-Family Partnership (CaNE) Project Contract (Report No. 070-16)

Dr. Mackie introduced and provided context to this report, flagging the Board of Health By-laws which currently require all contracts to be signed under Ontario law.

Discussion ensued about the following items:
• The proposed updates to the Board of Health By-laws which would allow for signing the contract outside of Ontario law;
• How the contract might result in liability for the Health Unit; and
• The total cost of the contract, the work that would be done within the agreement and the associated risks to the Health Unit that could exist by signing this agreement.

It was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Ms. Cassidy that the Board of Health:
1. Receive report No. 070-16 re “Canadian Nurse-Family Partnership Education (CaNE) Project Contract” for information; and
2. Approve the signing of the contract, which contains contractual provisions that require the contract to be executed under Colorado State law.

4) Anti-Contraband Tobacco Campaign Funded by Tobacco Industry Front Groups Intend to Block Tobacco Control Measures (Report No. 072-16)

Dr. Mackie provided context to this report and Ms. Linda Stobo and Ms. Donna Kosmack attended to answer questions.

Discussion ensued about the following items:
• If a tax would actually deter the use of tobacco and how this tax might be realized.
• The need for continued regulation to address vaping.
• The banning cigarettes altogether and the issues around contraband cigarettes, including the continued need for enforcement of contraband cigarettes.
• E-cigarettes and the current work being done by the Federal Government in its Plain and Standardized Packaging Regulation of e-cigarettes and strategy to address e-cigarette use.

It was moved by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Ms. Cassidy, that the Board of Health:
1. Recognize the problem of tobacco industry lobbying through front groups;
2. Call on local elected officials to formally state that they will decline meetings with such groups;
3. Call on the Ontario Ministry of Finance to both: (a) raise tobacco excise taxes; and (b) enhance enforcement activities designed to reduce the presence of contraband tobacco;
4. Forward Report No. 072-16 re: “Anti-Contraband Tobacco Campaign Funded by Tobacco Industry Front Groups Intend to Block Tobacco Control Measures” and its appendices to London City Council, Middlesex County Council and its eight municipal councils, recommending endorsement and action; and,
5. Forward Report No. 072-16 re: “Anti-Contraband Tobacco Campaign Funded by Tobacco Industry Front Groups Intend to Block Tobacco Control Measures” to local members of provincial parliament and the Ontario Campaign for Action on Tobacco (OCAT).

Information Reports

5) Medical Officer of Health Activity Report: December (Report No. 071-16)

It was moved by Ms. Cassidy seconded by Mr. Hunter that the Board of Health receive Report No. 071-16 re: Medical Officer of Health Activity Report – December for information. Carried


It was moved by Ms. Vanderheyden, seconded by Ms. Cassidy that the Board of Health receive items a) and c) through h). Carried

Discussion ensued about correspondence item e). Dr. Mackie advised that Health Unit staff are not first responders and would likely not be exposed to any peripheral drug effects in the event of an intervention during a drug overdose with persons who inject drugs, however the discussion will be brought to the Senior Leadership Team to look at staff safety going forward in potential scenarios where Health Unit staff might be present when naloxone is being used.

It was moved by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Ms. Vanderheyden that the Board of Health endorse correspondence item b) Bill S-228, An Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act (prohibiting food and beverage marketing directed at children). Carried

Mr. Meyer noted that this goes hand in hand with SSB.

It was moved by Ms. Cassidy, seconded by Ms. Vanderheyden that By-law #1, By-law #2, By-law #3 and By-law #4 be read for a first time by the Middlesex-London Board of Health. Carried

No further discussion, debate or amendments were suggested.

It was moved by Ms. Fulton, seconded by Mr. Smith that By-law #1, By-law #2, By-law #3 and By-law #4 be read for a second time by the Middlesex-London Board of Health. Carried

It was moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Meyer that By-law #1, By-law #2, By-law #3 and By-law #4 be read for a third time and adopted by the Middlesex-London Board of Health. Carried


 At 6:37 p.m., Chair Helmer invited a motion to move in camera to discuss matters regarding identifiable individuals, a proposed or pending acquisition of land and the security of property held by the Middlesex-London Board of Health and consider confidential minutes from its November 17 Board of Health and December 1 Finance and Facilities Committee meetings.

At 6:37 p.m. it was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Ms. Cassidy that the Board of Health move in camera to discuss matters regarding identifiable individuals, a proposed or pending acquisition of land and security of property held by the Middlesex-London Board of Health and consider confidential minutes from its November 17 Board of Health and December 1 Finance and Facilities Committee meetings. Carried

At 6:38 p.m. all visitors and Health Unit staff, except Dr. Christopher Mackie, Ms. Laura Di Cesare, Mr. Jordan Banninga, Ms. Suzanne Vandervoort, Ms. Heather Lokko, Mr. John Millson, and Ms. Elizabeth Milne left the meeting.

At 7:15 p.m. it was moved by Ms. Vanderheyden, seconded by Ms. Cassidy that the Board of Health rise and return to public session. Carried

At 7:15 p.m. the Board of Health returned to public session.

Other Business

• Next Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting: Thursday January 12, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.
• Next Governance Committee Meeting: Thursday, January 19, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.
• Next Board of Health Meeting: Thursday January 19, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.


At 7:15 p.m., it was moved by Ms. Vanderheyden seconded by Mr. Smith that the meeting be adjourned. Carried



Date of creation: January 11, 2017
Last modified on: February 22, 2023