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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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December 1, 2016 - Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting Draft Minutes

Committee Members Present:

Mr. Marcel Meyer
Mr. Ian Peer
Mr. Jesse Helmer (Vice Chair, Finance and Facilities Committee)
Ms. Joanne Vanderheyden
Regrets: Ms. Trish Fulton (Committee Chair)

Others Present:

Dr. Christopher Mackie, Medical Officer of Health & CEO
Ms. Elizabeth Milne, Executive Assistant to the Board of Health & Communications (Recorder)
Mr. Jordan Banninga, Manager, Strategic Projects
Ms. Laura Di Cesare, Director, Corporate Services
Ms. Alison Locker, Manager, Foundational Standard
Ms. Mary Catherine Masciangelo, Director, Corporate Services, Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit
Mr. John Millson, Associate Director, Finance
Ms. Leslie Orpana, Director, Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention, Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit

Disclosure of Conflict(s) of Interest

Chair Helmer inquired if there were any disclosures of conflicts of interest, none were declared.

Chair Helmer welcomed guests from the Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit, Ms Leslie Orpana and Ms. Mary Catherine Masciangelo.

Approval of Agenda

It was moved by Ms. Vanderheyden, seconded by Mr. Peer that the AGENDA for the December 1, 2016 Finance and Facilities Committee meeting be approved. Carried

Approval of Minutes

It was moved by Ms. Vanderheyden, seconded by Mr. Peer that the MINUTES from the November 3, 2016 Finance and Facilities Committee meeting be approved, as amended. Carried

New Business

4.1 By-Law and Policy Review (Report No. 045-16FFC)

The Committee reviewed and discussed all applicable finance policies and by-laws forwarded by the Governance Committee. A fulsome discussion ensued about the following items:
• Clarification of the definition of banks versus credit unions in By-law No. 2.
• The definition and delegation of signing authorities.
• Clarification of the procurement process, pre-determined bidder list, the process for posting bids, how vendors apply to be listed and the process for the public advertisement of bid opportunities.
• Listing the Health Unit’s status as a Living Wage employer, its definition and role in both the Procurement and Contractual Services policies.
• Clarification that verbal quotes are to be confirmed in writing.

It was moved by Ms. Vanderheyden, seconded by Mr. Meyer, that the Finance & Facilities Committee
1) Receive Report No. 045-16FFC for information; and
2) Review and provide the Governance Committee with any amendments to the proposed by-laws and policies that fall within the FFC Mandate (Appendix C)


4.2 2017 Budget – PBMA Proposals (Report No. 046-16FFC)

Dr. Mackie introduced and provided context to this report. Flagging the addition of the 2017 PBMA ‘Other’ proposals, which were brought forward for due diligence purposes and ensure that the Board understands the reasons why those proposals were declined for incremental funding, and that several will be going forward within existing resources. Dr. Mackie gave a brief overview of the annual PBMA process.

Discussion ensued about the following items:
• Scoring of recommended proposals and clarification of disinvestments to complement approved investments.
• The Sugar Sweetened Beverage policy process and clarification of ‘Other’ proposals within this category. Dr. Mackie reviewed and clarified each proposal listed under Appendix C.
• Additional community partners may be able to assist in supporting the HIV Prevention and Control investment item.
• The investment of a Public Health Nurse for Healthy Babies, Healthy Children, which would support the Smart Start for Babies program. Staff will be requesting 100% funding for this program.

It was moved by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Mr. Peer that the Finance and Facilities Committee:
1) Approve Appendix A, PBMA Recommended Disinvestments totaling $474,112;
2) Approve Appendix B, PBMA Recommended Investments totaling $479,655; and
3) Receive Appendix C, Other Proposals.

4.3 Renewal of FoodNet Canada Memorandum of Agreement (Report No. 047-16FFC)

It was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Ms. Vanderheyden, that the Finance & Facilities Committee receive and make a recommendation to the Board of Health to approve the Board Chair to sign the FoodNet Canada Memorandum of Agreement (2017-2020), as appended to Report No. 047-16FFC. Carried


At 10:32 a.m. Chair Helmer invited a motion to move in camera to discuss items regarding a proposed or pending acquisition of land and the security of the property held by the Middlesex-London Board of Health.

It was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Mr. Meyer that the Finance and Facilities Committee move in camera to discuss items regarding a proposed or pending acquisition of land and the security of the property held by the Middlesex-London Board of Health. Carried

All Health Unit staff and guests except Committee members, Ms. Elizabeth Milne, Dr. Christopher Mackie, Mr. Jordan Banninga, Ms. Laura Di Cesare and Mr. John Millson left the meeting at this time.

It was moved by Ms. Vanderheyden, seconded by Mr. Meyer that the Finance and Facilities Committee return to return to public session.

At 11:21 a.m. the Finance and Facilities Committee returned to public session.


It was moved by Ms. Vanderheyden, seconded by Mr. Peer, that the Finance and Facilities Committee adjourn the meeting.

At 11:27 a.m. Chair Fulton adjourned the meeting.


Dr. Christopher Mackie

Date of creation: November 30, 2016
Last modified on: December 1, 2016