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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Baby Food

Your baby is ready to start solid foods at about 6 months of age. Mothers are encouraged to continue breastfeeding combined with solid foods for the first 2 years of life or longer if they wish. Breast milk is still the most important food, but extra nutrients, like iron, are needed from solid foods. Solid foods also provide a variety of flavours and textures for your baby.1

You can help your baby to develop healthy eating habits from the start. Since your baby’s birth, you have been learning about and responding to your baby's hunger and fullness cues. Acting on baby’s cues and following their lead helps your baby learn to become a good eater and have a healthy relationship with food. It’s easy to make your own baby food and making our own makes it easier to include your baby in family meals. Choose nutritious ingredients, cook and store food safely and be extra careful with cleanliness.


Telephone Support

To speak with a Public Health Nurse at the Middlesex-London Health Unit, please call 519-663-5317, Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.


To get heath advice 24/7, call Health811 by dialling 8-1-1.


Mother feeding baby

How to introduce solid foods

If you have made an informed decision to offer infant formula to your baby, the recommendations for offering complementary (or solid) foods are the same as for babies who are breastfed.

Baby Food Videos
Iron Rich Foods for Babies

Iron Rich Foods for Babies

Cette vidéo est disponible en français: 
aliments riches en fer pour les bébés

Video by

Baby in high chair learning to self-feed

Learning to Self Feed

Cette vidéo est disponible en français:
apprendre  à manger tout seul

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Food of different textures

Offering a Variety of Textures

Cette vidéo est disponible en français:
proposez des textures variées à votre bébé

Video by

Baby in high chair being fed

Responding to Baby's Feeding Cues

Cette vidéo est disponible en français: 
interpréter les signes de votre bébé

Video by

Family eating together at table

The Feeding Relationship

Cette vidéo est disponible en français:
le rapport parent-enfant dans l'alimentation

Video by

Making your own baby food

Making food for your baby

Video by York Region Public Health

Date of creation: December 18, 2013
Last modified on: December 11, 2023


1Health Canada. (2015, January 19). Nutrition for Healthy Term Infants: Recommendations from Six to 24 Months. Retrieved from