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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Secure Your Medication

Store prescription and non-prescription medication safely:

  • Always keep products in their original containers with manufacturer or pharmacy labels, even when travelling.
  • Never combine different medications into one bottle.
  • Keep products in a cool, dry area, away from the sun.
  • All medications must be kept out of the reach of children, and in a locked cabinet.

Tips to ensure medication doesn’t fall into the wrong hands:

  • Have a medicine cabinet with lock and key, or store in a safe, locked drawer or filling cabinet.
  • Return unused drugs to the pharmacy. Don’t keep them for future use or dispose of them in the garbage or down the toilet.
  • If you have a teen in your home, talk to them about the dangers of using medication that has not been prescribed for them.

Safe disposal:

  • To avoid risk for yourself, your family members and others, make sure that prescription and non-prescription drugs are disposed of properly.
  • Return unused drugs to the pharmacy. Don’t keep them for future use or dispose of them in the garbage or down the toilet.
Date of creation: October 3, 2017
Last modified on: August 19, 2024