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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Minutes - October 17, 2019 - Board of Health Meeting

Members Present:

Ms. Trish Fulton (Chair)
Ms. Aina DeViet
Mr. Ian Peer
Mr. Matt Reid
Mr. John Brennan
Ms. Kelly Elliott

Ms. Elizabeth Peloza
Ms. Tino Kasi
Mr. Michael Clarke
Ms. Maureen Cassidy

Others Present:

Dr. Christopher Mackie, Secretary-Treasurer
Ms. Elizabeth Milne, Executive Assistant to the Board of Health and Communications Coordinator (Recorder)
Ms. Mary Lou Albanese, Manager, Infectious Disease Control
Ms. Laura Di Cesare, Director, Healthy Organization
Mr. Joe Belancic, Manager, Procurement and Operations
Ms. Rhonda Brittan, Manager, Healthy Communities & Injury Prevention
Mr. Jeff Cameron, Manager, IT
Mr. Brian Glasspoole, Manager, Finance
Ms. Heather Lokko, Director, Healthy Start
Ms. Tara MacDaniel, Public Health Nurse
Ms. Jody Paget, Manager, Vaccine Preventable Diseases
Ms. Kendra Ramer, Manager, Strategic Projects
Ms. Maureen Rowlands, Director, Healthy Living
Dr. Alex Summers, Associate Medical Officer of Health
Ms. Linda Stobo, Manager, Chronic Disease Prevention and Tobacco Control
Mr. Stephen Turner, Director, Environment Health & Infectious Diseases
Mr. Alex Tyml, Online Communications Coordinator
Ms. Tanya Verhaeghe, Health Promoter
Dr. Jason Gilliland, Human Environments Analysis Laboratory Youth Advisory Committee (HEALYAC)
Ms. Drew Bowman, HEALYAC Staff Co-Facilitator
Ms. Eleanor Park, HEALYAC Student Co-Facilitator
Ms. Aliana Manji, HEALYAC Student Co-Facilitator
Mr. Ahmed Mahmood, HEALYAC Former Co-Facilitator
Ms. Krishna Arunkumar, HEALYAC Former Co-Facilitator

Chair Fulton called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

Disclosures of Conflict(s) of Interest

Chair Fulton inquired if there were any disclosures of conflicts of interest. None were declared.

Approval of Agenda

It was moved by Ms. Elliott, seconded by Mr. Reid, that the AGENDA for the October 17, 2019 Board of Health meeting be approved. Carried


It was moved by Ms. DeViet, seconded by Mr. Peer, that the MINUTES of the September 19, 2019 Board of Health meeting be approved.  Carried

It was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Ms. Elliott, that the Board of Health receive the September 19, 2019 Governance Committee meeting minutes.  Carried

Delegations and Reports

October 17, 2019 Relocation Advisory Committee Meeting (Verbal Update)

Mr. Peer provided an update on the October 17, 2019 Relocation Advisory Committee meeting and reviewed the following reports for the Board’s consideration:

Relocation Project Plan Update (Report No. 007-19RAC)

Mr. Peer noted that the project is proceeding on schedule and according to plan, and directed the Board’s attention to the timeline appended to this report.

It was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Ms. DeViet, that the Board of Health receive Report No. 007-19RAC re: “Relocation Project Plan” for information.  Carried
Relocation Move Plan (Report No. 008-19RAC)

Mr. Peer summarized the comprehensive move plan and the timelines associated with moving each team and clinic services. Mr. Peer also outlined contingency plans and timeline buffers should there be any delays near the end of the project.

It was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Mr. Brennan, that the Board of Health receive Report No. 008-19RAC re: “Relocation Move Plan” for information. Carried
Audio Visual Tender (Report No. 009-19RAC)

Mr. Peer summarized the report and explained how meeting rooms in the new location will be equipped with updated audio-visual equipment to bring the Health Unit up to speed with current technology. Mr. Peer noted that the bid being awarded to Best Buy for Business is 30% lower than what was budgeted for.

It was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Ms. Elliott, that the Board of Health award Best Buy for Business the audio-visual contract for Citi Plaza. Carried

Mr. Peer noted that the next meeting of the Relocation Advisory Committee has yet to be set, and, depending on reappointments, the committee’s composition may have to be updated to ensure quorum.

Collaborative Action to Address Vaping Concerns (Report No. 059-19)

Dr. Mackie welcomed Prof. Jason Gilliland and the Human Environments Analysis Laboratory Youth Advisory Council (HEALYAC) team to the meeting. He noted that the HEALYAC will be providing a presentation on policy recommendations and a position statement in regard to youth and vaping.

HEALYAC youth representatives Ms. Park, Ms. Manji, Ms. Arunkumar, and Mr. Mahmood provided a presentation and introduction to HEALYAC’s mission, purpose, and statement on vaping.

Discussion ensued on the following items:
• How underage students access vaping products
• Resources and supports available to students at school to prevent the sale of vaping products to underage youth and to stop students from vaping
• The attraction to vaping – why youth start and how they might be deterred from it
• Peer pressures associated with vaping
• The percentage of youth that are vaping

Ms. Stobo provided further context and thanked the HEALYAC team for their presentation and for answering questions.

It was moved by Ms. Elliott, seconded by Ms. DeViet, that the Board of Health:
1) Receive Report No. 059-19 re: “Collaborative Action to Address Vaping Concerns”;
2) Endorse the HEAL Youth Advisory Council’s (HEALYAC) position statement “Vaping in Schools and Student Health,” attached as Appendix A, expressing its support of youth advocacy on vaping;
3) Submit a letter, attached as Appendix B, along with the HEALYAC’s position statement, to the Tobacco Control Directorate of Health Canada and the federal Minister of Health, expressing its support for strengthened measures to limit youth access, appeal, and advertising of vaping products;
4) Submit a letter, attached as Appendix C, along with the HEALYAC’s position statement, to the Ontario Minister of Health, expressing its support for strengthened measures to limit youth access, appeal, and advertising of vaping products; and
5) Send a copy of this report and its appendices to local members of the provincial and federal parliaments, and to the Association of Local Public Health Agencies for dissemination to all Ontario boards of health.

Mr. Reid noted that, given the federal election on Monday, staff should wait to send this letter until the results of the election are determined.

Grant Funding to Support Cannabis Programming (Report No. 060-19)

Ms. Stobo introduced the report and provided context. She also outlined some of the changes that have occurred since the last time this report was brought forward to the Board of Health.

Discussion ensued on to what the City’s portion of the funding will be allocated (i.e., retail sales and cultivation of cannabis) and the fact that funds will not only support public health but also policing.

It was moved by Mr. Reid, seconded by Mr. Peer, that the Board of Health:
1) Receive Report No. 060-19 re: “Grant Funding to Support Cannabis Programming” for information;
2) Receive the Health Unit’s 2019 funding allocation from the City of London’s share of the Ontario Cannabis Legalization Implementation Fund and endorse recruitment of 2.0 FTE temporary Enforcement Officers; and
3) Direct staff to continue their work with the City of London’s interagency Cannabis Implementation Working Group and to submit a proposal for the 2020 installment of funding.

2018–19 Influenza Season in Middlesex-London Final Report (Report No. 061-19)

Dr. Summers introduced the report and provided context. He acknowledged the teams involved in responding to the influenza season and providing influenza reporting throughout the year.

Discussion ensued on the following items:
• Comparing the 2017–18 flu season with last year’s cases
• The poor vaccine match in 2017–18, which caused a high number of cases
• The match of vaccine to strain circulating from year to year, and the efficacy of the match in this year’s flu shot
• The potential for the Health Unit to track whether or not confirmed influenza cases had received the flu shot
• How many people receive the flu shot each year
• Ages and statistics around influenza deaths
• Outbreaks and influenza deaths in long-term care facilities
• The difference between quadrivalent and trivalent vaccines, requirements for the high-dose flu vaccine, and which strains each type of flu vaccine covers

It was moved by Ms. Elliott, seconded by Mr. Reid, that the Board of Health receive Report No. 061-19 re: “2018–19 Influenza Season in Middlesex-London – Final Report” for information.  Carried

Estimated Immunization Coverage in Middlesex-London Schools (Report No. 062-19)

Dr. Summers introduced the report and provided context, thanking Ms. Jody Paget, Manager, Vaccine Preventable Diseases, for her ongoing work on this portfolio. Dr. Summers noted that vaccine hesitancy remains an ongoing area of work for MLHU and highlighted yesterday’s media release, issued in partnership with the Ontario Medical Association, and the fact that current vaccination rates in Middlesex-London are high enough to protect the local population.

Discussion ensued on the following times:
• The difference in vaccination rates between schools and possible reasons for it
• Variables involved in screening students in all schools

Dr. Mackie thanked Mr. Reid for his comments and invited further conversation on the topic given Mr. Reid’s experience with the Thames Valley District School Board.

It was moved by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Ms. Elliott, that the Board of Health receive Report No. 062-19 re: “Estimated Immunization Coverage in Middlesex-London Schools” for information. Carried

Change in Fees for Paid Vaccinations (Report No. 063-19)

It was moved by Ms. Elliott, seconded by Ms. DeViet, that the Board of Health receive Report No. 063-19 re: “Change in Fees for Paid Vaccinations” for information.  Carried

Hepatitis A Outbreak Declared Over (Report No. 064-19)

It was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Ms. Elliott, that the Board of Health receive Report No. 064-19 re: “Hepatitis A Outbreak Declared Over” for information.  Carried
Summary Information Report for October (Report No. 065-19)

It was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Ms. DeViet, that the Board of Health receive Report No. 065-19 re: “Summary Information Report for October” for information.  Carried

Medical Officer of Health/CEO Activity Report for October (Report No. 066-19)

It was moved by Mr. Reid, seconded by Ms. Elliott, that the Board of Health receive Report No. 066-19 re: “Medical Officer of Health/CEO Activity Report for October” for information.  Carried


It was moved by Ms. DeViet, seconded by Ms. Elliott, that the Board of Health receive correspondence items a) through l). Carried

Other Business

• Next Finance & Facilities Committee meeting: October 31, 2019 @ 9:00 a.m.
• Next Governance Committee meeting: Thursday, November 21, 2019 @ 6:00 p.m.
• Next Board of Health meeting: Thursday, November 21, 2019 @ 7:00 p.m.

Dr. Mackie noted that a video of the Health Unit’s new office space at Citi Plaza will be screened at the conclusion of the Board of Health meeting.


At 8:03 p.m., it was moved by Ms. DeViet, seconded by Ms. Elliott, that the Board of Health move in-camera to consider matters regarding security of the property of the Board, a trade secret or financial information, supplied in confidence to the local board, which if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons or organization, a trade secret or financial information that belongs to the Board and has monetary value, and to approve confidential minutes from the September 19, 2019 Board of Health meeting and restricted minutes from the July 18, 2019 Board of Health meeting. Carried

At 8:29 p.m., it was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Ms. Elliott, that the Board of Health rise and return to public session. Carried

At 8:29 p.m., the Board of Health returned to public session.


At 8:30 p.m., it was moved by Mr. Reid, seconded by Ms. Elliott, that the meeting be adjourned.  Carried




Date of creation: October 4, 2019
Last modified on: February 22, 2023