Red Flags for Child Development - Topics and Resources
As an Early Childhood Educator, you know how important it is to be aware of issues that impact the growth and development of infants, toddlers and children. In the table below, you’ll find important topics which are linked to useful resources, information, and descriptions of what to look for as you work with young children.
Table of Contents | |
Kids and Consent | |
SmartStart HUB at TVCC - Thames Valley Children's Centre (TVCC) A clear entry point to services for children and families |
*This is not an assessment or diagnostic tool and cannot substitute for the advice, formal assessment and/or diagnosis from professionals trained to properly assess the growth and development of infants, toddlers and children. These resources are for professionals working with young children and can be shared with their parents. Parents should always speak with their primary healthcare provider about any concerns regarding their children.
Brain Injury, Traumatic and Concussions - Lésions cérébrales |
Changes in behaviour may be related to a traumatic brain injury (e.g. falls, accidents, sports injuries, shaken baby syndrome). A concussion is a brain injury cause by a direct or indirect blow to the head or body causing jarring of the brain inside the skull. A child can sustain a concussion through a fall or activity injuries, such as running into stationary objects or other children. |
Pediatric Acquired Brain Injury Community Outreach program at Thames Valley Children Centre (PABICOP) |
School Board Policies on Concussion: Policy/Program Memorandum 158 (Ontario Ministry of Education) |
Government of Ontario Concussion Awareness Resource e-booklet: Ages 10 and Under Ressource du gouvernement ontarien pour sensibiliser aux problèmes des commotions cérébrales brochure électronique : 10 ans et moins |
Feeding and Swallowing - Bien manger et mâcher |
Learning how to eat properly and how to chew and swallow different food is part of growing up for all children. |
Petits Parleurs Bien manger et mâcher (sélectionner French) |
Developmental Resources for Infants, Thames Valley Children Centre |
Kids & Consent |
Teaching consent to kids can feel uncomfortable because adults often associate consent with sex. But consent in the early years isn’t about sex – it’s about tuning into children’s verbal and nonverbal communication, and teaching them that their voice matters. The building blocks of anatomy, boundaries and communication, form the foundation upon which sexual consent can later be learned. (anova) |
A Caregiver's Guide to Teaching the ABCs of Consent: A Resource for Parents, Guardians and Professionals (anova) |
Mental Health/Attachment, Children - Santé mentale / enfants |
How a baby or young child demonstrates mental health depends on the age and developmental stage of the child. A child who is socially and emotionally healthy is developing their skills related to: establishing and maintaining close relationships, first with parents and caregivers, then progressing on to friends; expressing and regulating their emotions; continuous learning and exploring new environments. |
Children and Mental Health Information: What to look for; What you can do; How to talk to parents |
(CPRI) Child and Parents Resource Institute: provides trauma-informed, highly-specialized assessment, treatment, and targeted intervention services for children and youth with complex combinations of special needs, including developmental disabilities, autism and severe behavioural, emotional and mental health challenges. Child and Parent Resource Institute (Fr): Le CPRI fournit des services d’évaluation, de traitement et d’intervention ciblée, hautement spécialisés et tenant compte des traumatismes aux enfants et aux jeunes présentant des combinaisons complexes de besoins spéciaux, notamment des troubles du développement, de l’autisme et de graves problèmes de comportement, d’émotions et de santé mentale |
Period of PURPLE Crying ® - Les pleurs de bébé |
The Period of PURPLE Crying begins at about 2 weeks and continues until about 3-4 months of age. The Period of PURPLE Crying is a way to understand the crying patterns during this time in a baby's life, which is a normal part of every infant's development. It is confusing and concerning to be told your baby "has colic" because it sounds like it is an illness or a condition that is abnormal. P= peak of crying; U=unexpected ;R=resists soothing ;P=pain-like face ;L=long lasting;E=evening (taken from reference below) |
The Period of Purple Crying® (What is the Period of PURPLE Crying? Sleeping; Soothing; Crying; Protecting; For Dads) |
You Tube Video: What is the Period of Purple Crying? Dr. Ron Barr Explaining |
National Center of Shaken Baby Syndrome: Believe all babies can be safe from harm...We do. Attention: Never shake a Baby. Shaken Baby Syndrome/Abusive Head Trauma (SBS/AHT) is a term used to describe the constellation of signs and symptoms resulting from violent shaking or shaking and impacting of the head of an infant or small child...injuries having the potential to result in death or permanent neurologic disability. |
Naître et grandir: Les pleurs de bébé Attention! ne secouez jamais votre bébé. Vous pourriez causer des lésions permanentes à son cerveau ou même le faire mourir. |
Please refer back to other sections for resources: Abuse, Brain Injury, Mental Health |
Veuillez vous référer aux autres sections pour les ressources: Mauvais Traitements à l’égard des Enfants, lésions cérébrales, santé mentale |
Last modified on: August 31, 2023