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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Draft Minutes - April 16, 2020 - Relocation Advisory Committee Meeting

Members Present:

Mr. Ian Peer, (Chair)
Ms. Maureen Cassidy
Mr. Matt Reid
Mr. John Brennan

Others Present:

Mr. Robert Parker, Board of Health
Ms. Arielle Kayabaga, Board of Health
Ms. Tino Kasi, Board of Health
Ms. Kelly Elliott, Board of Health
Dr. Christopher Mackie, Secretary-Treasurer
Ms. Lynn Guy, Executive Assistant to the Medical Officer of Health (Recorder)
Ms. Laura Di Cesare, Director, Healthy Organization
Dr. Michael Clarke, VP Modernization
Dr. Alexander Summers, Associate Medical Officer of Health
Mr. Stephen Turner, Director, Environmental Health and Infectious Diseases
Ms. Maureen Rowlands, Director, Healthy Living
Ms. Heather Lokko, Director, Healthy Start
Ms. Elizabeth Milne, Executive Assistant to the Board of Health and Communications Coordinator (web meeting facilitator)
Ms. Laurie Rees, Public Health Nurse (web meeting facilitator)
Mr. Dan Flaherty, Manager, Communications

At 6:03 p.m., the Chair Peer called the meeting to order.

Disclosures of Conflict(s) of Interest

Chair Peer inquired if there were any disclosures of conflicts of interest to be declared. None were declared.

Approval of Agenda

It was moved by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Ms. Cassidy, that the AGENDA for the April 16, 2020 Relocation Advisory Committee meeting be approved. Carried


It was moved by Ms. Cassidy, seconded by Mr. Reid, that the minutes of the December 5, 2019 Relocation Advisory Committee be approved.Carried

New Business

4.1 Relocation Project Update (Report No. 002-20RAC)

Dr. Mackie introduced this report and started by thanking Ms. Laura Di Cesare and Mr. Joe Belancic for their leadership throughout this project and to and all staff for making this move happen during these times. He noted that there would be a chance to have an open dialogue in regard to the nineteen questions that Ms. Kelly Elliott, Deputy Mayor, Thames Centre, Middlesex County and member of the Middlesex-London Board of Health sent to Dr. Mackie and Ms. Cassidy for answers.
Committee members agreed that this discussion should happen at the Board of Health so that the full Board is present.
Ms. Cassidy noted her thankfulness to staff for the incredible job of moving over 300 people during a pandemic.

Chair Peer asked the committee to consider disbanding the relocation Advisory Committee at the end of the Board of Health meeting. This was agreed to. He also noted that any remaining issues or updates related to this project will go to the Finance and Facilities Committee.

It was moved by Ms. Cassidy, seconded by Mr. Reid, that the Relocation Advisory Committee:
1) Receive Report No. 002-20RAC re: “Relocation Project Update” for information; and
2) Approve the disbanding of the Relocation Advisory Committee.


At 6:13 p.m. it was moved by Mr. Reid, seconded by Ms. Cassidy, that the Relocation Advisory Committee move in-camera to consider matters regarding a trade secret or financial information, supplied in confidence to the local board, which if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons or organization, and a trade secret or financial information that belongs to the municipality or local board and has monetary value.

At 6:22 p.m. the Relocation Advisory Committee returned to public session.


At 6:25 p.m., it was moved by Ms. Cassidy, seconded by Mr. Brennan, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried

Committee Chair



Date of creation: May 15, 2020
Last modified on: May 15, 2020