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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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World Breastfeeding Week 2013: Circles of Support

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London, ON – Each year in Canada, the first week of October marks World Breastfeeding Week. The Middlesex-London Health Unit, along with its partner agencies and community organizations, is involved in a variety of events between October 1st and 7th to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week. This year’s theme, Breastfeeding: Circles of Support, highlights that women need support from family, friends and the community to not only start breastfeeding, but to continue as long as they can.

“Infant feeding is one of the most important decisions new families can make, and breastfeeding is the ideal way to feed babies and young children,” says Laura Dueck, Public Health Nurse with the Middlesex-London Health Unit. “Support is critical to helping moms not only establish breastfeeding, but to continue. Support for mothers can come from many places, like her partner, family, friends, health care provider, colleagues and the broader community, which is why World Breastfeeding Week is so important.”

The World Health Organization recommends babies are fed breastmilk exclusively until the age of six months and that other nutritious foods are introduced with continued breastfeeding for up to two years and beyond. Published research shows that infants who are not breastfed are at a higher risk of developing a wide range of chronic and acute illnesses and disease, including heart disease, obesity, Type 1 diabetes, and lung infections.

In Middlesex-London, about 90% of mothers start out breastfeeding their infants, but after six months that rate has dropped to about 52%, and then to 17% by the time the babies are a year old.

Between Monday, September 30th and Friday, October 4th the Health Unit and its partners will be hosting a series of displays at London’s Central Library and will be appearing on Rogers Television’s Daytime program to discuss important breastfeeding information and related issues.

Additional information about the local and regional supports available to breastfeeding mothers is available through the Middlesex-London Health Unit’s Health Connection by calling 519-850-2280 or by visiting the Health Unit’s website at

Media Contact:
Dan Flaherty, Communications Manager, Middlesex-London Health Unit,519-663-5317 ext. 2469 or 519-617-0570 (cell)

Laura Dueck, Public Health Nurse, Middlesex-London Health Unit

Tags: media release, breastfeeding