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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Email Address, Phone Number Will Make Cancelling Unneeded Appointments Easier

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The Middlesex-London Health Unit is making it easier to cancel second dose COVID-19 vaccination appointments for those who no longer need them. With shortened intervals between vaccine doses, increased supply, and local pharmacies offering a choice of mRNA or viral vector vaccines, a growing number of people no longer need second dose vaccination appointments originally booked for them when they received their first dose.

While people who booked appointments for themselves have been able to cancel unneeded timeslots easily by visiting using Gate #6, it has been more challenging for those who booked appointments for multiple people using the same email or phone number. Up until now, those individuals had to call the often very busy COVID Vaccination Booking Line to cancel unneeded appointments.

To make the process easier, the Health Unit has launched a new email address, through which people can cancel multiple appointments booked with a common email or phone number. Those seeking to cancel these unneeded COVID-19 appointments can now email, and provide the following information for each appointment that needs to be cancelled:

  • the first and last name of the person for whom the appointment was booked;
  • the email address OR cell phone number that was used to book the appointment; and
  • the date, time and location of the appointment that needs to be cancelled.

Those who are cancelling appointments are asked to not include any other personal or health information when sending these emails to the Health Unit.

Those who prefer not to share this information via email will be able to cancel unneeded appointments by calling 519-963-4136, starting on the morning of Monday, June 21. The new number has been set up to provide a telephone option to those who booked multiple vaccination appointments on behalf of others and are now seeking to cancel these time slots at mass vaccination clinics in London and Middlesex County.

Cancelled appointments will be returned to the vaccination appointment inventory and made available to the community for general booking. The Health Unit is also reminding everyone that two doses of an mRNA or viral vector vaccine are required in order to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

For more information about novel coronavirus/COVID-19, visit the Health Unit’s website at

Media Contact:
Dan Flaherty, Communications Manager, Middlesex-London Health Unit
519-663-5317 ext. 2469 or 519-617-0570 (cell)

Dr. Alex Summers, Associate Medical Officer of Health, Middlesex-London Health Unit

Tags: COVID-19, Vaccine