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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Frigid Temperatures Expected for Our Region this Weekend, Prompt Cold Weather Alert

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Very cold winter weather is expected to make a return visit to our region over the next 36 hours, prompting the Middlesex-London Health Unit to issue a Cold Weather Alert that will come into effect the evening of Saturday, February 12 and last until the afternoon of Monday, February 14. While daytime temperatures on Sunday are expected to climb above the Health Unit’s threshold, Environment Canada’s current forecast calls for temperatures to drop and meet the conditions for a Cold Weather Alert both Saturday and Sunday night, with forecast temperatures of -16C and -17C respectively. The Alert will end with temperatures expected to rise to a high of -8C by Monday afternoon.

The Health Unit issues Cold Weather Alerts when forecast temperatures are expected to drop to -15C or lower, or when Environment Canada advises that windchill values are expected to be -20 or lower.

“With numerous popular events and celebrations occurring in the next couple of days, including Valentine’s Day, many people may have plans to spend time outdoors,” says David Pavletic, Environmental Health Manager with the Middlesex-London Health Unit. “It is important to not underestimate the risk of cold-related illnesses and injuries. If your plans involve being outdoors, please adjust them accordingly; and if you must be outside, protect yourself by dressing appropriately in multiple layers, covering exposed skin, and drinking warm fluids that are not caffeinated or alcoholic.”

Cold conditions and strong winds can damage exposed skin and lead to frostbite. Symptoms of frostbite include skin turning red, blue or in later stages, grayish-white. Individuals may experience pain, numbness and stiffness, especially in the fingers, toes, ears and nose, which are most susceptible to the cold. If you suspect frostbite, warm the affected area by placing it next to warmer skin or immerse in warm, but not hot, water. Do not rub the affected area, and seek emergency medical treatment for cases of severe, blistering frostbite. The re-warming process may take up to 60 minutes.

Hypothermia can happen when a person’s internal body temperature drops below normal. Symptoms include pale skin, drowsiness, confusion and hallucinations. While individuals may shiver in the early stages of hypothermia, shivering may decrease as body temperature drops. In severe cases, individuals lose consciousness, their breathing becomes shallow and their pulse becomes irregular and hard to detect. Anyone with these symptoms requires emergency medical treatment in order to prevent coma or death.

For a list of warming centres in the City of London visit:

For more information about extreme cold visit:

Media Contact:

Dan Flaherty, Communications Manager, Middlesex-London Health Unit
519-663-5317 extension 2469 or 519-617-0570

David Pavletic, Environmental Health Manager, Middlesex-London Health Unit

Tags: cold weather alert