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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Measles alert - please watch for possible cases

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Public Health Ontario has sent out an alert regarding two cases of measles among Ontario residents, one of whom is related to a known outbreak from a Mexican resort (Azul Fives Hotel, Playa del Carmen). This resort is the exposure site for an international outbreak of measles that began with cases from Europe who were on vacation in Mexico in February 2013. Several people who had been at this resort live in the Middlesex-London Health Unit area and are being contacted by the Health Unit.

Please be on the alert for signs and symptoms of measles in people who have travelled to Mexico and in others without a travel history (who may have contacted the infection from those who travelled). As you know, measles is a highly infectious virus that can spread via the airborne route. 

Signs and symptoms of measles are provided below and in the attached document. Management of suspected measles cases is outlined in the attached document. Please isolate the patient as soon as possible and contact the Health Unit if you suspect a patient may have measles (519-663-5317 ext. 2330).

Signs and symptoms of measles:

Measles is highly contagious and is spread by droplets and direct contact with the nasal or throat secretions of an infected person. Measles can also be spread through the airborne route. Symptoms of measles begin 7 to 18 days (usually around 10 days) after exposure to a case of measles and include fever, runny nose (coryza), cough, drowsiness, irritability and red eyes (conjunctivitis). Small white spots (known as "Koplik's spots") can appear on the inside of the mouth and throat. Then, 3 to 7 days after the start of the symptoms a red, blotchy (maculopapular) rash appears on the face and then progresses down to the trunk and extremities which lasts about six days.
