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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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September 13, 2012 - Minutes

Members Present

Ms. Viola Poletes Montgomery (Chair)
Mr. David Bolton
Ms. Denise Brown
Ms. Patricia Coderre 
Mr. Al Edmondson 
Dr. Francine Lortie-Monette 
Mr. Marcel Meyer (Vice Chair) 
Mr. Stephen Orser
Ms. Nancy Poole 
Mr. Mark Studenny


Dr. Graham Pollett, Medical Officer of Health & Chief Executive Officer, Secretary-Treasurer

Others Present

Mr. Wally Adams, Director, Environmental Health and Chronic Disease Prevention Services
Mary Lou Albanese, Manager, Healthy Communities and Injury Prevention
Ms. Diane Bewick, Director, Family Health Services
Mr. Dan Flaherty, Manager, Communications
Ms. Megan Georgieff, Public Health Nurse
Mr. Ross Graham, Manager, Special Projects
Mr. John Millson, Director, Finance and Operations
Ms. Sherri Sanders, Executive Assistant to the Board of Health (Recorder)
Mr. Rick Shantz, Director, Information Technology 
Ms. Patricia Simone, Manager, Emergency Preparedness
Ms. Louise Tyler, Director, Human Resources and Labour Relations Services
Mr. Alex Tyml, Online Communications Coordinator
Dr. Bryna Warshawsky, Associate Medical Officer of Health and Director, Oral Health, Communicable Disease & Sexual Health Services
Ms. Maria Van Harten, Dental Consultant
Mr. David Woodward, Health Unit Solicitor, Lerners LLP

Media Outlets

Ms. Mallory Clarkson, London Community News
Mr. Victor DeJong, XFM News
Mr. Scott Taylor, London Free Press

Ms. Viola Poletes Montgomery, Chair, Board of Health, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

At 6:32 p.m., it was moved by Mr. Studenny, seconded by Mr. Edmondson that the Board of Health move in camera to discuss advice that is subject to solicitor-client privileges. Carried 

At 7:20 p.m., it was moved by Mr. Bolton, seconded by Mr. Meyer that the Board of Health rise and report that progress was made on an issue concerning advice that is subject to solicitor-client privileges, including communications necessary for that purpose. Carried

At 7:22 p.m., it was moved by Ms. Coderre, seconded by Ms. Poole that the Board of Health move in camera to discuss personal matters about an identifiable individual, including Board employees. Carried  

At 7:35p.m., it was moved by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Mr. Bolton that the Board of Health rise and report that progress was made concerning personal matters about an identifiable individual, including Board employees. Carried

It was moved by Mr. Bolton, seconded by Mr. Edmondson:

1.      That the Board of Health endorse the reappointment of provincial appointee, Ms. Viola Poletes Montgomery,  for an additional one year term beginning March 1, 2013; and further

2.      That a letter endorsing this reappointment be sent to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care.


Disclosures of Conflict(s) of Interest

Chair Poletes Montgomery inquired if there were any disclosures of conflict of interest to be made. None were declared.

Approval of Agenda

It was moved by Ms. Coderre, seconded by Mr. Orser that the September 13, 2012, Agenda be approved with the addition of Information Report No. 116-12 re “City Of London and Middlesex County Exploration of Options for Municipal Administration of Public Health.” Carried

Approval of Minutes

It was moved by Mr. Edmondson, seconded by Ms. Brown that the Minutes of the June 21, 2012, Board of Health meeting be approved. Carried.

It was moved by Mr. Studenny, seconded by Ms. Coderre that the motion made on Report No. 084-12 re “2013 Board of Health Budget Target – Cost-Shared Programs” from the June 21, 2012, Board of Health meeting be rescinded, following Roberts Rules of Order, as the motion was not valid due to the fact that some Board of Health members had prior knowledge of  the May 30, 2012, letter from Mayor Joe Fontana and Warden Jim Maudsley to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care and withheld this information from the Board of Health as a whole.

The June 21, 2012, motion read as follows:

 “It was moved by Ms. Brown, seconded by Mr. Meyer that a decision re determining the status of the 2005 Business Plan as it relates to the development of the 2013 budget be deferred until Health Unit and City staff have had an opportunity to discuss and report back on potential cost efficiencies that could be realized through shared service agreements.”

4 in favour; 5 opposed

Motion Defeated

23) Report No. 116-12 re City of London and Middlesex County Exploration of Options for Municipal Administration

Dr. Bryna Warshawsky, Associate Medical Officer and Director,  Oral Health, Communicable Disease & Sexual Health Services, assisted Board of Health members with their understanding of this report.    Dr. Warshawsky highlighted that at its June 2012 meeting, the Board of Health approved an exploration of shared services with the City of London.  It was discussed that there is a lack of clarity with regard what is being proposed with regard to municipal administration of public health. It was therefore agreed to seek clarification from Mayor Fontana and Warden Maudsley.  

After discussion, it was moved by Ms. Brown, seconded by Mr. Orser that the Mayor of London and the Warden of Middlesex County be asked to present to the Board of Health with regard their proposal for municipal administration of public health. Carried 

It was moved by Ms. Brown, seconded by Mr. Orser that Report No. 101-12 re “2013 Board of Health Budget Target -  Cost Shared Programs”  be discussed at this time. Carried

10) Report No. 101-12 re 2013 Board of Health Budget Target – Cost Shared Programs

Mr. John Millson, Director, Finance and Operations, assisted Board members with their understanding of this report. A copy of Mr. Millson’s PowerPoint presentation is filed with the minutes.

Mr. Millson emphasized that in 2005, due to the SARS experience and as recommended in the Campbell Report, the province committed to increasing public health capacity by increasing the provincial funding to public health units. Since that time, the Health Unit was able to increase public health funding by way of annual provincial increases with no increase in funding from the County of Middlesex or the City of London. The 2005 Business Plan has been successful in increasing the Health Unit budget by $7.9 million with no increases to the municipal funders.

Mr. Millson stated that staff members are seeking direction from the Board of Health as to whether it wants to continue following the 2005 Business Plan (i.e., that the Health Unit uses provincial funding to fund increases with no increases to municipality) or pursue another path. Mr. Millson explained that in May, Board members asked staff for more information, and in June, two reports were presented (Report No. 084-12 and Confidential Report 091-12) that looked at the implications on program and service and the obligations under the Public Health Accountability Agreement of expediting achievement of the 75%/25% cost-sharing arrangement. In June, it was decided to defer the decision until September when staff had had the opportunity to discuss possible efficiencies from shared services with City of London staff.  A meeting with City staff took place on June 29, 2012. It was decided that a third party would be hired to conduct a review of shared services and that such a review could not be done in time to impact the 2013 Health Unit budget deliberations.

Dr. Warshawsky noted that even if the Board of Health does decide to follow the 2005 Business Plan, this would still result in a $477,000 shortfall in 2013.

It was discussed that Board members want to provide efficient public health programs and services. The quality of programs and the public health response will be the most important consideration for the Middlesex-London community especially in the event of an outbreak, such as SARS, Walkerton or pandemic H1N1 influenza of the recent past.

In response to a question as to whether the Province has a formula for calculating health unit funding, Mr. Millson stated that there is currently no formula. In 2012, health units received an up-to 2% increase over the 2011 provincial grant. However, a Working Group of the Province is now looking at Public Health funding as it relates to health units. Mr. Millson also commented that public health funding is determined under Section 76 of the Health Protection and Promotion Act, whereby the Minister may provide a grant.

In response to a question about how much the Health Unit spends annually on offices leases, and consideration of property ownership, Mr. Millson stated that as part of the Health Unit strategic plan, staff members are looking at property issues. Mr. Millson reminded Board members that the Health Unit is currently in office leases for 50 King Street and 201 Queens Avenue in London until the end of 2016.

It was moved by Mr. Orser, seconded by Ms. Brown that the Board of Health defer a decision on the status of the 2005 Business Plan as it relates to the 2013 budget until the Board has heard a presentation about the proposal for municipal administration of public health from the Mayor of the City of London and the Warden of the County of Middlesex at a special meeting held before the October 18, 2012, Board of Health meeting.

8 in favour; 1 opposed


Reports With Delegations

1)   Report No. 092-12 re 2012 Audited Financial Statements

Mr. John Millson assisted Board members with their understanding of this report.

It was moved by Ms. Coderre, seconded by Ms. Poole that the Board of Health approve the audited 2012 Financial Statements for the Middlesex-London Health Unit, March 31st (2011) Consolidated Programs as appended to Report No. 092-12. Carried

2)   Report No. 093-12 re Emergency Response Plan 2012 

Dr. Warshawsky introduced Ms. Pat Simone, Manager, Emergency Preparedness, who assisted Board members with their understanding of this report. A copy of Ms. Simone’s PowerPoint presentation is filed with the minutes. The Emergency Response Plan is updated when needed; however, the document is reprinted every two years.

In response to questions about the Emergency Response Plan, Ms. Simone provided the following information:

  • With regard to an alternate meeting location during an emergency, Ms. Simone indicated that many potential locations are located near or along the tracks so finding a location could be a challenge during a train derailment. Alternate meeting arrangements will be determined based on the individual emergency.
  • Amateur radio is used for communication during an emergency as it is the only type of communication that is reliable during a power outage.

It was moved by Mr. Orser, seconded by Ms. Coderre that the Board of Health endorse the 2012 Emergency Response Plan. Carried

12)  Report No. 103-12 re BeCause Injuries are Predictable and Preventable Campaign

Mr. Wally Adams, Director, Environmental Health and Chronic Disease Prevention Services,

introduced Ms. Mary Lou Albanese, Manager, Healthy Communities and Injury Prevention, and Ms. Megan Georgieff, Public Health Nurse, to assist Board members with their understanding of this report using a PowerPoint presentation. A copy of the PowerPoint presentation is filed with the minutes. Two videos developed by the Health Unit were presented, and the Board commended staff on the creation of the videos.

It was moved by Ms. Brown, seconded by Mr. Meyer that Report No. 103-12 re “BeCause Injuries are Predictable and Preventable Campaign” be received for information.  Carried

It was moved by Mr. Orser, seconded by Mr. Meyer that the Board take a 5 minute recess. Carried

3)   Report No. 094-12 re Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Oral Health Report

Dr. Warshawsky introduced, Dr. Maria Van Harten, Dental Consultant, to assist Board members with their understanding of this report.

It was moved by Mr. Edmondson, seconded by Ms. Brown:

1)     That the Board of Health endorse the Ontario’s Chief  Medical Officer of Health  Report entitled, “Oral Health – More Than Just Cavities”; and further

2)     That the Board of Health send a letter to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care encouraging action on the four recommendations listed in the Chief Medical Officer of Health Report entitled, “Oral Health – More Than Just Cavities”.


Action Reports

4)   Report No. 095-12 re Thames Valley District School Board Agreement

Ms. Louise Tyler, Director, Human Resources and Labour Relations, distributed copies of a revised agreement and assisted Board members with their understanding of this report. A copy of the revised agreement is filed with the minutes.

It was moved by Mr. Bolton, seconded by Ms. Brown that the Board of Health Chair be authorized to sign the finalized Thames Valley District School Board Program Access Agreement.Carried

Board member, Dr. Lortie-Monette, left the meeting at 9:50 p.m.

5)   Report No. 096-12 re Update on the Nutritious Food Basket Survey Results (2011) and Ontario’s Food and Nutrition Strategy

Mr. Wally Adams introduced Dr. Heather Thomas, Public Health Dietitian, to answer questions about this report. Dr. Thomas highlighted that the costs do not include non-food items, e.g., toilet paper, toothpaste etc. and assumes that people have the skills necessary to prepare healthy meals. 

It was moved by Ms. Coderre, seconded by Mr. Meyer that Report No. 096-12 re “Update on the Nutritious Food Basket Survey Results (2011) Ontario’s Food and Nutrition Strategy” be forwarded for information to London City Council and Middlesex County Council.  Carried

6)   Report No. 097-12 re Provincial Legislation to Regulate Indoor Tanning: Need for Action

Mr. Wally Adams introduced Ms. Kaylene McKinnon, Public Health Nurse, to answer questions about the report. In response to a question from the Board, Ms. McKinnon highlighted the negative impacts of indoor tanning.

It was also suggested that the Board of Health explore the creation of a City of London bylaw to regulate tanning as created in other cities.

It was moved by Ms. Brown, seconded by Mr. Orser that the Board of Health petition Premier Dalton McGuinty and The Honourable Deb Matthews, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, to enact provincial legislation to regulate the tanning industry and to petition the City of London to enact a municipal bylaw. Carried

7)   Report No. 098-12 re South West Public Health Units – Mutual Assistance Agreement

Dr. Warshawsky assisted Board members with their understanding of this report which lays out the parameters for health units in Southwest Ontario to assist each other during an emergency.

It was moved by Mr. Edmondson, seconded by Mr. Studenny that the Board of Health endorse the Mutual Assistance Agreement for South West Public Health Units attached as Appendix A to Report No. 098-12.  Carried

8)   Report No. 099-12 re Secretary Treasurer Position – Impending Vacancy

It was moved by Mr. Orser, seconded by Mr. Studenny that Dr. Bryna Warshawsky be elected Secretary-Treasurer of the Board of Health effective October 1, 2012. Carried

Additional motions were made with regard to the Acting Medical Officer of Health and Chief Executive Officer position as follows:

It was moved by Mr. Studenny, seconded by Mr. Orser that Dr. Bryna Warshawsky, Associate Medical Officer of Health, be appointed Acting Medical Officer of Health and Chief Executive Officer for a period of up to six months. Carried

It was moved by Mr. Bolton, seconded by Ms. Coderre that this appointment be communicated to both the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care and the Chief Medical Officer of Health.Carried

It was moved by Mr. Bolton, seconded by Ms. Coderre that the Board of Health support an application for adjudication to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care to increase Dr. Bryna Warshawsky’s salary on September 29, 2012, to reflect the change in responsibilities. Carried

9)   Report No. 100-12 re 2012 Budget – Provincial Approved Grants

Mr. John Millson assisted Board members with their understanding of this report.

In response to a question about how the Health Unit will deal with shortfalls in future years, Mr. Millson explained that for 2012, one-time funding sources will be used. As part of 2013 budget, staff will bring forward a plan regarding how to deal with this shortfall. According to the Health Protection and Promotion Act, the Municipalities are obligated cover any shortfalls in funding required to fulfill the Public Health Accountability Agreement. As stated earlier, following the 2005 Business Plan would still lead to a $477,000 shortfall in 2013. If staff were directed to move toward an expedited 75%/25% cost-sharing agreement, the cuts to programs and services would be much deeper.

It was moved by Ms. Coderre, seconded by Mr. Orser that the Board of Health sign the Amending Agreement No. 4 to the Public Health Accountability Agreement as appended to Report No. 100-12. Carried

Information Reports

11) Report No. 102-12 re Shared Services Review Update

13) Report No. 104-12 re Q2 Financial Update - Budget Vs. Actual Report to June 30th

14) Report No. 105-12 re Joint Initiative Oral Health Month April 2012

15) Report No. 106-12 re Make My First Test An Eye Test Recognition from the Ontario Association of Optometrists

16) Report No. 107-12 re School Food and Beverage Policy (Policy/Program Memorandum 150)

17) Report No. 108-12 re Wellness Weeks: A Healthy Schools Mental Health Initiative

18) Report No. 109-12 re Working Toward Positive Youth Growth and Development

19) Report No. 110-12 re Child and Youth Network: Ending Poverty Demonstration Project

20) Report No. 111-12 re Investigation of an Increase in Invasive Group A Streptococcus Infections

21) Report No. 112-12 re Volunteer Resources

It was moved by Ms. Brown, seconded by Mr. Orser that Reports listed as Item #11 and #13 through #21 be received for information. Carried

Other Business

Next scheduled Board of Health Meeting – Thursday, October 18, 2012    7:00 p.m.

A special meeting may be called by the Chair if arrangements can be made to meet with the Mayor of London and the Warden of Middlesex as per the motion made concerning Report No. 116-12 re “City of London and Middlesex County Exploration of Options for Municipal Administration”. 


There were no questions re correspondence.


At 10:15 p.m., it was moved by Mr. Orser, seconded by Ms. Coderre that the meeting be adjourned.




Date of creation: September 13, 2012
Last modified on: February 25, 2013