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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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June 20, 2013 - Minutes

Members Present

Mr. David Bolton
Ms. Denise Brown (Vice-Chair)
Mr. Al Edmondson
Ms. Trish Fulton
Mr. Marcel Meyer (Chair)
Mr. Stephen Orser
Mr. Ian Peer
Ms. Nancy Poole
Ms. Viola Poletes Montgomery
Mr. Mark Studenny


Ms. Sandy White

Others Present

Mr. Wally Adams, Director, Environmental Health and Chronic Disease Prevention Services
Ms. Marylou Albanese, Manager, Healthy Communities and Injury Prevention Team
Ms. Allison Balfe, Youth Create Healthy Communities
Ms. Diane Bewick, Director, Family Health Services
Ms. Michelle Cowin, Public Health Nurse
Mr. Dan Flaherty, Manager, Communications
Mr. Ross Graham, Manager, Special Projects
Dr. Christopher Mackie, Medical Officer of Health & CEO
Mr. John Millson, Director, Finance and Operations
Ms. Sherri Sanders, Executive Assistant to the Board of Health (Recorder)
Ms. Linda Stobo, Manager, Chronic Disease Prevention and Tobacco Control Team
Ms. Louise Tyler, Director, Human Resources and Labour Relations Services
Mr. Alex Tyml, Online Communications Coordinator
Dr. Bryna Warshawsky, Associate Medical Officer of Health and Director, Oral Health, Communicable Disease & Sexual Health Services

Media Outlets

Mr. Craig Gilbert, London Community News

Board of Health Chair, Mr. Marcel Meyer, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Disclosures of Conflict(s) of Interest

Chair Meyer inquired if there were any disclosures of conflict of interest to be declared. None were declared.

Approval of Agenda

It was moved by Ms. Brown, seconded by Mr. Bolton that the AGENDA for the June 20, 2013 Board of Health meeting be approved.

Approval of Minutes

It was moved by Mr. Edmondson, seconded by Mr. Peer that the Board of Health MINUTES for the May 16, 2013 Board of Health meeting be approved.


1) Report No. 076-13 re Finance & Facilities Committee – Draft Terms of Reference

Mr. John Millson, Director, Finance & Operations assisted Board members with their understanding of this report. A copy of Mr. Millson’s PowerPoint is filed with the minutes. The Terms of Reference for the committee is attached to the minutes.

In response to a question about whether property purchase would fit into this committee’s mandate, Mr. Millson suggested that the Committee may wish to recommend to the Board to create an ad hoc committee in the future to deal with property purchase, if required.

In response to a question about the physical assets of the Board of Health, Dr. Mackie responded that the physical assets include computers, furniture , a van and investments in lease hold improvements in Health Unit’s rented facilities.

Discussion ensued about frequency and term of appointment and the following were considered:

  • The Committee would meet monthly between Board meetings, and if a meeting is not required, it could be cancelled at the call of the Chair of the Committee
  • To start, Committee members could be appointed for one year due to municipal elections in 2014 and term expirations for provincial members.
  • After the first year, committee members could be appointed for staggered terms, to ensure consistency in membership from year to year.
  • As a Standing Committee of the Board of Health, the Committee is required to report back to the Board.
  • The Committee would decide on its Chair at the first meeting.

Dr. Mackie confirmed that those Finance and Facilities Committee members, who currently receive a meeting stipend for attending Board of Health meetings, would also receive the stipend for attending the Finance and Facilities Committee meetings.

It was moved by Ms. Fulton, seconded by Mr. Orser:

  1. That the Board of Health establish a Standing Committee known as the Finance & Facilities Committee to discharge the duties outlined in the Terms of Reference (Appendix A to Report No. 076-13); and further,
  2. That the Board of Health appoint five members of the Board of Health to the Standing Committee to meet monthly or less frequently as required at the call of the Chair.


Chair Meyer opened nominations for the Standing Committee. As the Chair (County representative) and Vice Chair (City representative) of the Board of Health are required by the Terms of Reference to stand on the committee, Board members should appoint three additional committee members, two of which must be provincial appointees.

It was moved by Ms. Fulton, seconded by Mr. Orser that Mr. Peer be nominated to the committee as a Provincial representative.

Mr. Peer agreed to stand.

It was moved by Ms. Poletes Montgomery, seconded by Mr. Orser that Ms. Poole be nominated to the Standing Committee as a Provincial representative.

Ms. Poole declined her nomination.

It was moved by Ms. Brown, seconded by Mr. Orser that Ms. Fulton be nominated to the Standing Committee as a Provincial representative.

Ms. Fulton agreed to stand.

It was moved by Ms. Poletes Montgomery, seconded by Ms. Fulton that Mr. Bolton be nominated to the Standing Committee.

Mr. Meyer asked three times if there were any other nominations. None were declared.

It was moved by Ms. Poletes Montgomery, seconded by Mr. Orser that nominations be closed.

It was moved by Ms. Brown, seconded by Mr. Orser that the nominations be accepted; and therefore, the Finance and Facilities Committee be made up of Mr. Meyer, Ms. Brown, Mr. Bolton, Ms. Fulton and Mr. Peer.

The Committee members directed staff to select potential dates for the first meeting.

2) Report No 077-13 re 2012 Consolidated Financial Statements

Mr. Millson assisted Board members with their understanding of this report. A copy of Mr. Millson’s presentation is filed with the minutes. Mr. Millson answered questions posed by Board members to clarify information in the Consolidated Financial Statements.

Mr. Millson introduced Mr. Ian Jeffreys, Partner, and Mr. David Ross, Audit Manager, KPMG LLP to present the Audit Findings Report for the year ending December 31, 2012. Mr. Ross explained in more detail page two of the report, entitled Significant Audit, Accounting and Reporting Matters.

It was moved by Mr. Bolton, seconded by Mr. Edmondson that the Board of Health approve the audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the Middlesex-London Health Unit, December 31st, 2012 as appended to Report No. 077-13.

It was moved by Mr. Orser, seconded by Mr. Peer that the Board of Health receive Report No. 077-13, including the Audit Findings Report prepared by KPMG, LLP.

Chair Meyer thanked Mr. Ross and Mr. Jeffreys of KPMG for their work and their presentation.

3) Report No. 078-13 re 2014 Cost-Shared Budget – City Of London Target

Mr. John Millson and Dr. Chris Mackie assisted Board members with their understanding of this report. Dr. Mackie reported that as an independent board, the Board of Health determines the municipal contributions to the Cost-Shared Budget.

It was recommended that the Finance and Facilities Committee look at the cost of programs and how efficiently the programs are delivered to set a budget target for 2014. It was also suggested that each service area submit a budget that is less than the previous year’s budget.

After discussion, it was moved by Mr. Edmondson, seconded by Ms. Poletes Montgomery that the Board of Health direct staff, in consultation with the Finance and Facilities Committee, to develop a budget process that aligns the Health Unit’s planning and budget processes and provides the Board with more information to fulfill its fiduciary role.

4) Report No. 087-13 re Student Bus Pass Advocacy Update #1

Ms. Allison Balfe, a student representing the Youth Create Healthy Communities group, assisted Board members with their understanding of this report.

Ms. Brown expressed her support for the project, and reported that she had a very positive meeting with the Youth Creating Healthy Communities students. Mr. Orser suggested that the students also request delegation status from the Civic Works Committee to increase their presence before City Council.

It was moved by Ms. Brown, seconded by Mr. Orser that Report No. 087-13 re Student Bus Pass Advocacy Update #1 be received for information.

Action Reports

5) Report No. 079-13 re 2012 Reserve/Reserve Fund Balances

At its May meeting, the Board of Health approved Report No. 067-13 re Draft Reserve/Reserve Fund Policy. The approved policy requires annual reporting of changes in reserve fund balances to the Board of Health and to report back to the City and County. Health Unit Staff has discussed the Memorandum of Agreement with City Staff, but at the time of preparing the minutes, Health Unit staff had not met with County staff.

It was moved by Mr. Studenny, seconded by Mr. Bolton that $63,170 in surplus from the 2012 budget be contributed to the reserve fund.

It was moved by Mr. Orser, seconded by Mr. Studenny that the Board of Health approve the additions, withdrawals, and adjustments to the reserve and reserve funds as identified in Appendix A “Reserve & Reserve Fund Overview” to Report No. 079-13 re 2012 Reserve / Reserve Fund Balances as amended by the previous motion.

6) Report No. 080-13 re 2013 Healthy Babies Healthy Children Budget

It was moved by Ms. Poletes Montgomery, seconded by Ms. Brown that the Board of Health approve the 2013 Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program Budget in the amount of $2,545,320 as attached as Appendix A to Report No. 080-13.

7) Report No. 081-13 re Increased Access to Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) Through Public Health Units

Ms. Linda Stobo, Manager, Chronic Disease Prevention and Tobacco Control Team, assisted Board members with their understanding of this report. She reported that the current referral process for NRT is very complicated and some patients do not meet the requirements of the agencies that currently distribute NRT. Current programs (such as “STOP on the Road”) do not provide consistent, timely NRT to the general public.

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is funded to bulk purchase NRT to distribute it to a prescribe network of agencies. Public Health Units are not part of the CAMH distribution network. If the Health Unit were funded to access NRT, staff would be able to distribute NRT based on its evidence-based smoking cessation programs and could assist clients that do not meet the criteria of the agencies in the existing distribution network.

It was moved by Ms. Brown, seconded by Mr. Orser:

1) That the Board of Health endorse Report No. 081-13 re Increased Access to Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) Through Public Health Units; and further
2) That the Board of Health send a letter, attached as Appendix A, to the Honourable Deb Matthews, Minister of Health and Long -Term Care and local Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs) to commend the Ontario Government for their ongoing commitment to a Smoke-Free Ontario and to request funding to support free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) within smoking cessation programs offered by Boards of Health.

Information Reports

8) Report No. 082-13 re Volunteer Resources

9) Report No. 083-13 re Oral Health Month

10) Report No. 084-13 re Health Unit Engagement with ReThink London Process

11) Report No. 085-13 re Smoking Near Recreation Amenities and Entrances Bylaw

12) Report No. 086-13 re Be Brighter with Breakfast Secondary School Initiative

13) Report No. 088-13 re Physician Outreach Initiative

14) Report No. 089-13 re Implementing the Shared Services Review Recommendations

Dr. Mackie assisted Board members with their understanding of this report. He clarified that the Board has directed staff to assess and implement the recommendations made by PricewaterhouseCoopers in their report to increase efficiencies and cost savings and to bring back a report to the Board at a future meeting.

15) Report No. 090-13 re Medical Officer of Health Activity Report – June

Mr. Meyer reported that Ms. Joan Carrothers, retired Dental Manager, received the Distinguished Service Award from the Association of Local Public Health Agencies (alPHa) at its June 2013 Annual General meeting. On behalf of the Board, Chair Meyer congratulated Ms. Carrothers on the award. Board members directed staff to send a congratulatory note to Ms. Carrothers along with a copy of the remarks that Chair Meyer made at the meeting.

It was moved by Ms. Poletes Montgomery, seconded by Ms. Brown that Items # 8 through #15 be received for information.

At 9:30 p.m., it was moved by Mr. Orser, seconded by Mr. Bolton that the Board of Health take a five minute recess.

The meeting resumed at 9:35 p.m.

At 9:35 p.m., it was moved by Mr. Orser, seconded by Ms. Brown that the Board of Health move in camera for the purpose of discussing personnel matters about identifiable individuals.

At 10:05 p.m. it was moved by Mr. Bolton, seconded by Mr. Orser that the Board of Health rise and report:

1) That the Board of Health endorses the reappointment requests of Provincial Appointees, Mr. Ian Peer and Ms. Trish Fulton, for an additional three (3) year term; and further
2) That progress was made concerning personnel matters about identifiable individuals.


There were no questions about the correspondence.

Other Business

Next scheduled Board of Health Meeting: Thursday, September 19, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.


At 10:10 p.m., it was moved by Ms. Poletes Montgomery, seconded by Mr. Bolton that the meeting be adjourned.

