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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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June 19, 2014 - Minutes

Members Present:

Mr. David Bolton
Mr. Al Edmondson
Ms. Trish Fulton
Mr. Marcel Meyer (Chair)
Mr. Ian Peer
Ms. Viola Poletes Montgomery
Ms. Nancy Poole
Mr. Mark Studenny


Ms. Denise Brown
Mr. Stephen Orser (Vice-Chair)
Ms. Sandy White

Others Present:

Dr. Christopher Mackie, Medical Officer of Health & CEO (Secretary-Treasurer)
Ms. Sherri Sanders, Executive Assistant to the Board of Health (Recorder)
Mr. Wally Adams, Director, Environmental Health and Chronic Disease Prevention Services
Ms. Mary Lou Albanese, Manager, Healthy Communities and Injury Prevention
Ms. Diane Bewick, Director, Family Health Services & Chief Nursing Officer
Mr. Tom Cull, Thames River Rally
Ms. Shaya Dhinsa, Manager, Sexual Health Services
Ms. Laura Di Cesare, Director, Human Resources and Corporate Strategy
Mr. Dan Flaherty, Manager, Communications
Mr. Kouarthanan (Koba) Konesavarathan, MPH Student on practicum
Ms. Heather Lokko, Acting Director, Oral Health, Communicable Disease & Sexual Health Services
Mr. John Millson, Director, Finance and Operations
Mr. Alex Tyml, Online Communications Co-ordinator

Media Present:

Mr. Dan Brown, London Free Press
Ms. Elena Maystruk, Londoner/Age Dispatch
Mr. Sean Meyer, London Community News

Mr. Marcel Meyer, Chair of the Board of Health, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Disclosures of Conflict(s) of Interest

Chair Meyer inquired if there were any disclosures of conflict of interest to be declared. None were declared.

Approval of Agenda

It was moved by Mr. Studenny, seconded by Mr. Bolton that the AGENDA for the June 19, 2014 Board of Health meeting be approved. Carried

Approval of Minutes

It was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Mr. Bolton that the public session MINUTES of the May 15, 2014 Board of Health meeting be approved. Carried

Business Arising from the Minutes


Delegation and Recommedation Reports

1) Finance and Facilities Committee: June 12 Meeting (Report 038-14)

2013 Draft Financial Statements (Report 027-FFC)

Mr. John Millson, Director, Finance and Operations, presented the draft Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2013. Ms. Trish Fulton, Chair of the Finance and Facilities Committee (FFC), summarized the Audit Findings Report. This was the first time the Auditors have met with the FFC, as the committee first met in August 2013.

It was moved by Ms. Fulton, seconded by Mr. Peer that the Board of Health approve the audited financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2013 as attached to Report No. 027-14FFC. Carried

It was moved by Ms. Fulton, seconded by Ms. Poletes Montgomery that the Board express appreciation to staff members for the work they have done to achieve a clean audit, especially in a big transition year in the budgeting process. Carried

It was moved by Ms. Poole, seconded by Ms. Poletes Montgomery that the Board express appreciation to the members of the Finance and Facilities Committee and its Chair, Ms. Fulton, for their dedication and attention to detail when reviewing reports and reporting to the Board of Health. Carried

Ms. Fulton reported that the FFC reviewed Report 026-14FFC re Benefit Funding Overview and Report No. 028-14FFC re Office Space Needs Assessment for information. Ms. Fulton also reported that the FFC Generator committee directed staff to issue a Request for Proposals to determine the type of power supply required and size of generator.

It was moved by Ms. Fulton, seconded by Ms. Poole that the Board of Health approve Report 038-14 re Finance and Facilities Committee: June 12 Meeting, including the draft minutes of the meeting. Carried

2) MLHU Input To “The London Plan” (Report 040-14)

Dr. Mackie assisted Board members with their understanding of this report. Dr. Mackie explained that The London Plan is a long term blueprint that sets the framework for addressing such issues as: managing the cost of growth, recognizing a change in demographics, the importance of transportation, the ever changing economy, protecting farmland, climate change, and how to shape the City of London for prosperity.

The Health Unit has participated in official planning process in both the City of London and Middlesex County for several years. In respect to the Middlesex County Official Plan, Dr. Mackie recounted that the Board endorsed the Health Unit’s rural position paper that linked health and the built environment in rural settings. Health Unit staff members have also assisted with Official Plan reviews of several municipalities in Middlesex County. Health Unit staff contributed to planning in the City through the Healthy City, Active London initiative. Copies of The London Plan were distributed to Board members.

Dr. Mackie drew Board members’ attention to river redevelopment which includes the needle waste issue. He introduced Mr. Tom Cull from the Thames River Rally, a volunteer group that organizes and participates in river bank clean ups. The clean ups often present the volunteers with the option to handle hazardous waste, such as used needles/syringes. Dr. Mackie reported that the Health Unit’s Community Emergency Response Volunteer (CERV) teams could partner with the Thames River Rally volunteers to assist with insurance issues, needle waste clean up protocols and to identify areas in which needle disposal is a major problem. The Upper Thames Valley Conservation Authority is also a supporter of the clean up initiatives.

Concern was expressed that harm reduction programs do not provide safety-engineered needles which would be safer for those cleaning up the waste. Dr. Mackie explained that cost is a consideration; however, another barrier is that the equipment used often becomes part of the addiction, and people are often not willing to use different equipment, particularly if it has significant limitations. The provincial government selects which needles are available through the Ontario Harm Reduction pharmacies. Further information about the needle waste issue will be provided to the Board in a future report.

It was moved by Ms. Poletes Montgomery, seconded by Ms. Poole that the Board of Health endorse Report No. 040-14 re MLHU Input to “The London Plan” and direct staff to provide public health input to City of London Planning Department staff. Carried

3) Ontario Harm Reduction Distribution Program: Distributing Safer Smoking Supplies (Report 039-14)

Ms. Shaya Dhinsa, Manager, Sexual Health Team and Mr. Brian Lester, Executive Director, Regional HIV Aids Connection (RHAC), assisted Board members with their understanding of this report. Ms. Dhinsa described the contents of the kits that are available free of charge to the Health Unit and RHAC by the Ontario Harm Reduction Distribution Program.

Concern was expressed that the Health Unit’s involvement in Harm Reduction programs may be interpreted as the Board of Health and the Health Unit endorsing cocaine smoking. Mr. Lester clarified that the Health Unit and RHAC support this harm reduction program, because it is preventative. It will reduce the spread of HIV and Aids in the community by changing behaviours towards lower risk method of drug use. Mr. Lester also added that the program provides the Health Unit with the opportunity to connect with drug users to provide correct information and support that is not currently available.

In response to a question about whether or not peer to peer education exists, Mr. Lester replied that some existing clients of the Counterpoint Needle Exchange program do see themselves as leaders; however, the accuracy of the messages and how the messages are interpreted are unclear.

Ms. Heather Lokko, Acting Director, Oral Health, Communicable Disease & Sexual Health Services, commented that in addition to reducing the spread of disease among drug users, providing safer equipment will make it safer for those cleaning up as the equipment will be recognizable as drug paraphernalia - unlike less safe equipment such as pop cans and other home-made supplies.

It was moved by Ms. Poletes Montgomery, seconded by Ms. Poole that the Board of Health approve the distribution of safer smoking supplies through the existing harm reduction sites. Carried

4) London Road Safety Strategy (Report 041-14)

It was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Mr. Studenny that the Board endorse Report No. 041-14 re London Road Safety Strategy to endorse the London Road Safety Strategy Charter. Carried

Information Reports

5) Summary Information Report June 2014 (Report 042-14)

It was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Mr. Studenny that Report No. 042-14 re Summary Information Report June 2014 be received for information. Carried

6) Medical Officer of Health Activity Report – June Report (Report 043-14)

Dr. Mackie reported that following the direction of the Board from May’s meeting, provincial party leaders were asked about the issue of opioid overdose. Two parties replied. A staff person from Mr. Tim Hudak’s office called to discuss policy options; Ms. Deb Matthews sent a letter recognizing the issue. Dr. Mackie reported that the next step will be to direct a more formal challenge to the Provincial government in late August to coincide with International Overdose Awareness Day (August 31).

It was moved by Mr. Studenny, seconded by Mr. Bolton that Report No. 043-14 re Medical Officer of Health Activity Report – June be received for information. Carried


Chair Meyer reported on an added piece of correspondence from the Association of Local Public Health Agencies (alPHa) that outlines its officers for 2014-2015, including Mr. Al Edmondson continuing as Chair of the Board of Health Section. Mr. Edmondson and Ms. Fulton reported on the alPHa Conference that was also attended by Chair Meyer. Ms. Fulton discussed a document entitled, “An Ecological Framework for Building Successful Collaboration between Primary Care and Public Health,” (please refer to page 44 of this link)

There were no questions about the correspondence.

At 8:35 p.m., it was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Mr. Studenny that the Board take a five minute recess. Carried

At 8:40 p.m., it was moved by Mr. Studenny, seconded by Mr. Bolton that the Board reconvene. Carried

Ms. Fulton left the meeting at 8:40 p.m.

At 8:40 p.m., it was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Mr. Edmondson that the Board of Health move in camera to discuss matters concerning employee negotiations and a proposed or pending acquisition of land by the Middlesex-London Board of Health. Carried

At 8:55 p.m., it was moved by Mr. Studenny, seconded by Mr. Bolton that the Board of Health return to public forum to report that matters were discussed concerning employee negotiations and a proposed or pending acquisition of land by the Middlesex-London Board of Health. Carried

It was moved by Mr. Bolton, seconded by Mr. Peer that the Board of Health authorize the Board Chair to sign the lease extension and amending agreement to the Strathroy office lease, noting the extension is for an additional 2 years at the current lease rate. Carried

Other Business

Upcoming Dates: Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting - Thursday July 3, 2014 - 9:00 a.m.
Board of Health Meeting: Thursday, July 17, 2014 - 7:00 p.m.
Board of Health Education Session: Friday, July 18, 2014 - 9:00 a.m.
Governance Committee Meeting: Thursday, September 18, 2014 - 5:00 p.m.


At 9:00 p.m., it was moved by Mr. Studenny, seconded by Ms. Poletes Montgomery that the meeting be adjourned. Carried






Date of creation: July 10, 2014
Last modified on: July 10, 2014