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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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June 18, 2015 - Minutes

Members Present:

Mr. Ian Peer (Chair)
Ms. Trish Fulton
Dr. Trevor Hunter
Mr. Marcel Meyer
Ms. Viola Poletes Montgomery
Ms. Nancy Poole
Mr. Kurtis Smith
Mr. Mark Studenny


Mr. Jesse Helmer (Vice Chair)
Mr. Stephen Turner
Ms. Joanne Vanderheyden

Others Present:

Dr. Christopher Mackie, Medical Officer of Health & CEO (Secretary Treasurer of the Board)
Ms. Sherri Sanders, Executive Assistant to the Board of Health (Recorder)
Mr. Wally Adams, Director, Environmental Health and Chronic Disease Prevention
Ms. Marylou Albanese, Manager, Environmental Health and Chronic Disease Prevention
Ms. Laura Di Cesare, Director, Human Resources and Corporate Strategy
Ms. Kathy Dowsett, Public Health Nurse
Mr. Dan Flaherty, Manager, Communications
Dr. Gayane Hovhannisyan, Associate Medical Officer of Health
Ms. Mary Huffman, Public Health Nurse
Mr. John Millson, Director, Finance and Operations
Mr. Chimere Okoronkwo, Manager, Oral Health
Ms. Amy Pavletic, Public Health Inspector
Mr. Tristan Squire-Smith, Manager, Infectious Disease Control
Ms. Linda Stobo, Manager, Environmental Health and Chronic Disease Prevention
Mr. Alex Tyml, Online Communications Coordinator
Ms. Suzanne Vandervoort, Acting Director, Family Health Services

Media Outlets:


Board of Health Chair, Mr. Ian Peer, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Disclosures of Conflict(S) Of Interest

Mr. Peer inquired if there were any disclosures of conflict of interest to be declared. None were declared.

Approval of Agenda

It was moved by Mr. Studenny, seconded by Mr. Smith that the AGENDA for the June 18, 2015 Board of Health meeting be approved.


Approval of Minutes

It was moved by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Dr. Hunter that the MINUTES of the May 21, 2015 Board of Health meeting be approved.


Business Arising From the Minutes


Committee Reports

Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting (Report 035-15)

The Chair of the Finance and Facilities Committee (FFC), Ms. Trish Fulton, reported that the FFC received the following reports:

2014 Financial Statements (Report 15-15FFC)

Ms. Fulton reported that the Finance and Facilities Committee reviewed the Draft Financial Statements and the Audit Findings Report. Mr. John Millson, Director, Finance and Operations, reviewed Powerpoint slides re Health Unit Revenues and Expenditures.

It was moved by Ms. Fulton, seconded by Mr. Meyer that the Board of Health approve the audited Financial Statements for the Middlesex-London Health Unit, December 31st, 2014 as appended to Report No. 15-15FFC.


Sick Leave Reserve Position (Report 16-15FFC)

It was moved by Ms. Fulton, seconded by Mr. Meyer that the Board of Health approve a drawdown in 2015 in the amount of $120,000 to partially fund the anticipated shortfall resulting from a payment to OMERS for service benefits/adjustments.


2014 Reserve/Reserve Fund Balances (Report 17-15FFC)

It was moved by Ms. Fulton, seconded by Dr. Hunter that the Board of Health:

  1. Approve a $23,438 drawdown from the Accumulated Sick Leave Reserve Fund to fund the 2014 sick leave payments to eligible staff; and
  2. Approve a $25,736 drawdown from the Dental Treatment Reserve Fund to fund the 2014 Dental Treatment Clinic operating deficit.


It was moved by Ms. Fulton, seconded by Mr. Meyer that the Board of Health:

  1. Receive the 2014 -2015 Reserve / Reserve Fund Overview (Appendix A) for information, and
  2. Forward Report No. 17–15FFC, 2014 Reserve / Reserve Fund Balances to the City of London and the County of Middlesex for information.


The balances of the reserve funds are listed in Appendix A to Report 17-15FFC.

Ms. Fulton reported that the members of the Finance and Facilities Committee met in private with Mr. Ian Jeffreys, Partner of KPMG LLP, the firm that conducted the Audit. Mr. Jeffreys confirmed that the FFC is fulfilling its duties as a Standing Committee of the Board of Health and doing due diligence to ensure the Middlesex-London Health Unit is operating efficiently.

It was moved by Ms. Poole, seconded by Mr. Meyer that Health Unit Staff and the Finance and Facilities Committee be congratulated on the work they did to prepare complete and accurate financial statements and to achieve a clean audit.


It was moved by Ms. Fulton, seconded by Mr. Meyer that the Board of Health receive the draft minutes of the June 11, 2015 Finance and Facilities Committee.


Governance Committee Meeting June 18th (Verbal Report)

2012-14 Strategic Plan – Final Report on Strategic Directions (10-15GC) – received for information

The Middlesex-London Health Unit 2015-2020 Strategic Plan (11-15GC)

It was moved by Mr. Studenny, seconded by Mr. Smith that the Board of Health endorse the draft 2015-2020 Strategic Plan, and direct staff to continue with public and client consultations to gather input on areas of Health Unit activity and refine the Plan.


Board of Health Development Plan (12-15GC) – received for information

Mr. Studenny reported that there will be an offsite workshop for Board development scheduled for late October or November.

Board of Health for the District of Algoma Health Unit Assessment Report – Executive Summary (verbal report)

Dr. Mackie summarized the information contained in the Executive Summary that was emailed to all Board of Health members.

It was moved by Mr. Studenny, seconded by Dr. Hunter that the Board of Health receive the Governance Committee verbal report for information.


Delegations and Recommendation Reports

The Need for Enforcement and Mandatory Safety Standards for E-Cigarette Juice Containing Nicotine (Report 036-15)

Ms. Stobo assisted Board members with their understanding of this report by summarizing the E-Cigarette issue.

Mr. Studenny asked that an amendment be made to the motion. It was moved by Mr. Studenny, seconded by Ms. Poole that the following be added to the motion: that the Board of Health send a letter to the Advisory Committee on Health Delivery and Human Resources (with a copy sent to all local Members of Provincial Parliament) to seek its support in advocating to the federal Government on the E-Cigarette Juice Containing Nicotine.


It was moved by Mr. Studenny, seconded by Ms. Poole that the Board of Health:

  1. Endorse Report No. 036-15 re The Need For Enforcement And Mandatory Safety Standards For E-Cigarette Juice Containing Nicotine.
  2. Recommend that Health Canada actively enforce legislation against the illegal import, advertising and sale of e-cigarette juice containing nicotine, and conduct mandatory inspections of e-cigarette and e-juice manufacturers regarding safety standards, quality controls and packaging requirements, by sending a letter to the Prime Minister of Canada and the federal Minister of Health, copied to local Members of Parliament, and by asking staff to draft a motion to take to the next Association of Local Public Health Agencies Annual General Meeting for consideration, and further
  3. Send a letter to the Advisory Committee on Health Delivery and Human Resources (with a copy sent to all local Members of Provincial Parliament) to seek its support in advocating to the federal Government on the E-Cigarette Juice Containing Nicotine.


Information Reports

Healthy Babies Healthy Children Postpartum Screening (Report 038-15)

Ms. Kathy Dowsett and Ms. Mary Huffman, Public Health Nurses, assisted Board members with their understanding of this report.

It was moved by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Mr. Studenny that Report No. 038-15 re Healthy Babies Healthy Children Postpartum Screening be received for information.


Application to Local Poverty Reduction Fund – Verbal Update

Dr. Mackie explained the initiative to enhance existing Health Unit Healthy Babies Healthy Children programming by implementing the Nurse-Family Partnership and reported the Health Unit is submitting an application to the Local Poverty Reduction Fund with plans to set up a Canadian training site. Dr. Mackie reported that McMaster University and several other Health Units have expressed support in the program. In preparation, a Provincial steering committee will be struck that will begin meeting in September.

It was moved by Mr. Studenny, seconded by Ms. Poletes Montgomery that the Application to Local Poverty Reduction Fund – Verbal Update be received for information.


Update on Ministry’s Oral Health Program Changes (Report 039-15)

Mr. Chimere Okoronkwo, Manager, Oral Health, reviewed changes to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s Oral Health Program, and explained that the Oral Health team is considering ways to mitigate the implications of the changes.

It was moved by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Ms. Fulton that Report No. 039-15 re Update on Ministry’s Oral Health Program Changes be received for information.


Summary Information Report for June 2015 (Report 040-15)

It was moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Ms. Poletes Montgomery that Report No. 040-15 re Summary Information Report for June 2015 be received for information.

Medical Officer of Health Activity Report – June (Report 041-15)

It was moved by Mr. Studenny, seconded by Dr. Hunter that Report No. 041-15 re Medical Officer of Health Activity Report – June be received for information.



It was moved by Ms. Fulton, seconded by Mr. Studenny that the Board of Health:

  1. Endorse correspondence from Ms. Julie Roy, Chair, Board of Health, Northwestern Health Unit to The Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario and Minister of Agriculture re Bill 45, Making Healthier Choices Act, 2014.
  2. Endorse correspondence from Dr. Miriam Klassen, Medical Officer of Health, Perth District Health Unit to The Honourable Dr. Eric Hoskins, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care Reducing exposure of second-hand smoke in multi-unit housing.


It was moved by Ms. Poole, seconded by Mr. Smith that the correspondence be received as presented.



At 8:05 p.m. it was moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Meyer that the Board of Health move in camera to discuss matters concerning an identifiable individual.


At 8:30 p.m., it was moved by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Mr. Studenny that the Board of Health rise and return to public session to report that progress was made in matters concerning an identifiable individual.


It was moved by Ms. Fulton, seconded by Ms. Poletes Montgomery that the Board of Health approve a drawdown in the amount of $63,199.13 of the Dental Treatment Reserve to fund an OMERS-related liability.


Other Business

Upcoming meetings:

a) Finance and Facilities Committee – Thursday, July 2, 2015 @ 9:00 a.m.
b) Board of Health – Thursday, July 16, 2015 @ 7:00 p.m.

It was moved by Ms. Poletes Montgomery, seconded by Mr. Meyer that the August Board of Health meeting be cancelled.



At 8:35 p.m., it was moved by Ms. Poole, seconded by Dr. Hunter that the meeting be adjourned.


Ian Peer

Christopher Mackie

Date of creation: July 9, 2015
Last modified on: July 9, 2015